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Charles Drew By, Emma, Katie, Brynn. Birth of Charles Drew Charles Drew was born in 1904 in Washington D.C.

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Presentation on theme: "Charles Drew By, Emma, Katie, Brynn. Birth of Charles Drew Charles Drew was born in 1904 in Washington D.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charles Drew By, Emma, Katie, Brynn

2 Birth of Charles Drew Charles Drew was born in 1904 in Washington D.C.

3 Charles Drew’s Childhood Charles Drew’s father Thomas Drew was a carpet layer and his mother quit her job to stay at home with the kids. Charles drew was an athletic child. His family lived near a farm where racehorses were trained and he learned how to care for and ride horses. He played baseball and football.

4 Why Charles Drew is Famous He is most famous for working at a blood bank and working at a science place. He is also remembered for serving in the Navy.

5 Adult life In 1940 Charles Drew received a doctorate of science degree. In 1939 he received a grant from the blood Transfusion Association and opened a blood storage bank at the Columbia Hospital. One of Drew `s instructors in anatomy was John Beattie a British doctor. Beattie was studying the techniques and problems of blood transfusion.

6 Fun facts Charles Drew was named director of the red cross blood bank and assistant director of the National research council in charge of blood collection for the united states Army and Navy. The pilot center was set up through the Red Cross chapter in New York City and began operation in February 1941.

7 How do we remember Charles Drew. We Remember Charles drew as a person who served in the Navy. He’s also remembered for his work in the Red Cross. He has been featured on a postage stamp for his efforts with the Red Cross.

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