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CSI Leader Orientation – 101 Presented By:. To advance the process of creating and sustaining the built environment for the benefit of the construction.

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Presentation on theme: "CSI Leader Orientation – 101 Presented By:. To advance the process of creating and sustaining the built environment for the benefit of the construction."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSI Leader Orientation – 101 Presented By:

2 To advance the process of creating and sustaining the built environment for the benefit of the construction community by using the diversity of its members to exchange knowledge CSI’s Mission:

3 To advance the process of creating and sustaining the built environment for the benefit of the construction community by using the diversity of its members to exchange knowledge CSI’s Mission:

4  Founded by federal government architects, engineers, and others on building team.  First meeting held in Washington, D.C., on April 15, 1948 (Incorporated in Baltimore).  Grown to more than 14,000 members and 146 chapters in 10 regions. History

5  CSI is a grassroots organization and it’s members are it’s most valuable resource. Member Base Organization

6  The CSI chapters are the back bone of the organization.  Chapter Leaders are the heart that keeps it alive.  Without you CSI cannot survive. Chapters

7 Objectives!  Define yourself as a CSI Leader  Recognize and Understand your Chapter needs  Manage your Chapter  Manage your volunteers  Manage your CSI Time

8  What do you do first.  Chapter Structure  Chapter Board Appointees  Board Meetings  Chapter Meeting Programs  Chapter Communications  Institute Communications  Region Communications Assessing your Chapter

9  Look at what you have.  Create a plan  Your CSI Plan.  Your CSI Schedule.  Your CSI time.  Conduct a planning meeting with your board and create a collective plan for the chapter.  Discuss your plan, schedule, and CSI time allocation.  Short term plan – Your first Year.  Long term plan – Help Plan the future. Take a Deep Breath

10 Chapter Leadership in 10 Easy Steps CSI

11  Look at your chapter finances & Establish an operating Budget for the year. Consult your Chapter By-laws and Policies to make sure of previews establish policies.  Balance Budget.  Look at your chapter reserves.  Do you even have a reserve?  If NO to, Establish one. Step #1

12  Plan your Board Meetings for the year.  When will you meet.  Meeting Location.  Meeting Structure and Format.  How long your will meet.  Remember your CSI Time schedule.  Who needs to attend every meeting Step #2

13 Change your By-Laws ARTICLE IV – BOARD Section 7: A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. All past presidents in attendance at the board meeting shall be eligible to be alternate voting members of the board in order to achieve a quorum.

14  Set the number of General membership meetings you will have during your CSI and format.  When will meet.  Meeting Location.  Meeting Structure and Format.  How long your will meet.  Who needs to attend every meeting Step #3

15  Program Content!  Establish your meeting programs for the year.  Set a series or create a theme for the year.  Set who will be responsible for the programs.  Get presenters commitments early.  Create a back up plan for every program. Step #4

16  NO PROGRAM  Have a back up plan for every program.  Out Dated programs  Have programs that address current issues.  New architectural programs.  New Design Concepts.  New Innovative Products The #1 Chapter Killer?

17  THE MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELED FOR THIS MONTH DUE TO ---------!  Never Cancel a meeting.  THIS CSI EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED DUE TO -------!  Never Cancel an event. The #2 Chapter Killer? Poor Planning. Procrastination. Poor Management. Procrastination. No Follow Up. Procrastination.

18  NO MEMBERSHIP PARTICIPATION!  This would be a direct result of #1 and #2. The #3 Chapter Killer?

19 Results as a Result of Bad Planning

20  Manage the Plan  Manage your people by communicating with them as to what you expect from them and what you will do to assist them in moving the chapter plan forward.  Follow Up with your leaders  Set up a weekly reminder.  Make contact with all of your board member prior to the Board meeting. Step #5

21  Run your meeting efficiently  Start on time.  Be prepared.  Have meeting agenda to all of your board members a minimum of four days prior to the meeting.  Maintain order during your meetings.  Keep meetings on point.  Include everyone in the discussion.  Keep accurate meeting Minutes. Step #6

22  Have Fun  Have a fun atmosphere at your meeting.  Meet and Great everyone.  Specially the new potential members.  Be observant during your meeting.  Keep meetings moving in pace with your audience. Step #7

23  Getting others motivated  Just ask.  Praise.  Delegate.  Correct.  Praise Again. Step #8

24  As a leaders Assume Nothing  Give Clear and Precise Instructions of what you want done and accomplished.  Give them the tools they need to accomplish the task.  Follow up.  Request Up Dates.  Praise. Step #9

25  Make your Own Waves  Change only what needs changing.  Task only what are priorities.  Challenge your team.  Praise your team.  Reward your team. Step #10

26 Remember, there are always obstacles in your way!

27 Question?

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