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Classification Alpha Taxonomy. Taxonomy Each organism has a name: Specie name –Each species is assigned two names: binomial nomenclature –First part of.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification Alpha Taxonomy. Taxonomy Each organism has a name: Specie name –Each species is assigned two names: binomial nomenclature –First part of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification Alpha Taxonomy

2 Taxonomy Each organism has a name: Specie name –Each species is assigned two names: binomial nomenclature –First part of name is the genus –Second part of name is the specific epithet that when combined with the first part denotes a species. –Homo sapiens

3 Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) Swedish botanist Developed method of grouping organisms based on similar characteristics. Better system than Aristotle’s land, air, water system.

4 Taxonomy cont. Hierarchy in classification –Each species is grouped into progressively broader categories. –Seven major categories: Kingdom Phyla Class Order Family Genus Species



7 Binomial Nomenclature Two part name Homo sapiens “wise man” Bubo virginianus (great horned owl) owlgirl

8 What’s in a name? Latin or Greek description: the names describe the organism. What do you think these names mean? Matris accipiter Metus convincere Try some on your own….

9 Taxonomic Criteria Must include specific internal, external, environmental, developmental, biochemical and behavioral characteristics. Combined knowledge of: –Comparative anatomy –Comparative embryology –Molecular biology

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