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Lexical Analysis Lecture 2 Mon, Jan 19, 2004. Tokens A token has a type and a value. Types include ID, NUM, ASSGN, LPAREN, etc. Values are used primarily.

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Presentation on theme: "Lexical Analysis Lecture 2 Mon, Jan 19, 2004. Tokens A token has a type and a value. Types include ID, NUM, ASSGN, LPAREN, etc. Values are used primarily."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lexical Analysis Lecture 2 Mon, Jan 19, 2004

2 Tokens A token has a type and a value. Types include ID, NUM, ASSGN, LPAREN, etc. Values are used primarily with identifiers and numbers. If we read “count”, the type is ID and the value is “count”. If we read “123.45”, the type is NUM and the value is “123.45”.

3 Analyzing Tokens Each type of token can be described by a regular expression. (Why?) Therefore, the set of all tokens can be described by a regular expression. (Why?) Regular expressions are accepted by DFAs. Therefore, the tokens can be processed and accepted by a DFA.

4 Regular Expressions The set of all regular expressions may be defined in two parts. The basic part.  represents the language {  }. a represents the language {a} for every a  . Call these languages L(  ) and L(a), respectively.

5 Regular Expressions The recursive part. Let r and s denote regular expressions. r | s represents the language L(r)  L(s). rs represents the language L(r)L(s). r* represents the language L(r)*. In other words L(r | s) = L(r)  L(s). L(rs) = L(r)L(s). L(r*) = L(r)*.

6 Example: Identifiers Identifiers in C++ can be represented by a regular expression. r = A | B | … | Z | a | b | … | z s = 0 | 1 | … | 9 t = r(r | s)*

7 Regular Expressions A regular definition of a regular expression is a “grammar” of the form d 1  r 1, d 2  r 2, : d n  r n, where each r i is a regular expression over   {d 1, …, d i – 1 }.

8 Regular Expressions Note that this definition does not allow recursively defined tokens. In other words, d i cannot be defined in terms of d i, even indirectly.

9 Example: Identifiers We may now describe C++ identifiers as follows. letter  A | B | … | Z | a | b | … | z digit  0 | 1 | … | 9 id  letter(letter | digit)*

10 Lexical Analysis After writing a regular expression for each kind of token, we may combine them into one big regular expression describing all tokens. id  letter(letter | digit)* num  digit(digit)* relop  | == | != | >= | <= token  id | num | relop | …

11 Transition Diagrams A regular expression may be represented by a transition diagram. The transition diagram provides a good guide to writing a lexical analyzer program.

12 Example: Transition Diagram id: letter letter | digit num: digit token: digit letter letter | digit

13 Transition Diagrams Unfortunately, it is not that simple. At what point may we stop in an accepting state? Do not read “count” as 5 identifiers: “c”, “o”, “u”, “n”, “t”. When we stop in an accepting state, we must be able to determine the type of token processed. Did we read the ID token “count” or did we read the IF token “if”?

14 Transition Diagrams Consider transitions diagrams to accept relational operators ==, !=,, =. == : = = != : ! = <= : < = and so on.

15 Transition Diagrams Combine them into a single transition diagram. relop: 1 2 4 3 = | ! = =

16 Transition Diagrams When we reach an accepting state, how can we tell which operator was processed?. In general, we design the diagram so that each kind of token has its own accepting state.

17 Transition Diagrams If we reach accepting state #3, how do we decide whether to continue to accepting state #4? We read characters until the current character does not match any pattern. Then we “back up” to the previous accepting state (if there is one) and accept the token.

18 Transition Diagrams relop: = ! < > = = = = other

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