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¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to the tour of la Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico City!

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Presentation on theme: "¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to the tour of la Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico City!"— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to the tour of la Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico City!

2 Slide 4A Tenochtitlan mural in the National Palace

3 Slide 4B Cathedral in the Zocalo (central square)

4 Slide 4C Paseo de la Reforma traffic scene

5 Slide 4D La Plaza de las Tres Culturas Plaza of the Three Cultures

6 Slide 4E Open-air Market

7 Slide 4F Mariachis at the Plaza de Garibaldi

8 Slide 4G Zona Rosa Shopping District

9 Slide 4H La Basilica de Guadelupe

10 Slide 4I Low-income Residential Area

11 Slide 4J Middle-class Residential Area

12 Slide 4K Upper-class Residential Area

13 Slide 4L Polluted River

14 Slide 4M Downtown Mexico City

15 Thank you for visiting Mexico City! ¡Adios! Directions for Writing a Letter About Mexico City (Master 4C) Imagine you are a tourist who has just taken a tour of Mexico City. You want to write a letter home describing what you learned. Use your notes and postcards from Student Handout 4B to help you.

16 Your letter must include these parts: A date and proper salutation An introduction that gives a general description of Mexico City A description of at least three places you visited. Focus on: What was most interesting or memorable? What was the atmosphere like? What do you know now that you did not know before?

17 Your letter must include these parts: Vivid and accurate references to at least three of these topics-- history, culture, neighborhoods, environment. Simple drawings or sketches that illustrate at least one site you mentioned. Type or write your final draft neatly in ink. Correct letter format/use paragraphs Correct/appropriate factual evidence Complete sentences TWS:


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