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Unit 8 Seminar MR-105 Raquel S. Cummings. Agenda for Tonight…. Grades for Week 6. Virtual Field Trip – How to write a business letter. Language Arts.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 Seminar MR-105 Raquel S. Cummings. Agenda for Tonight…. Grades for Week 6. Virtual Field Trip – How to write a business letter. Language Arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 Seminar MR-105 Raquel S. Cummings

2 Agenda for Tonight…. Grades for Week 6. Virtual Field Trip – How to write a business letter. Language Arts. Assignments for this week. Questions.. Week 9 We will review for the Final..

3 Grades All grades have been completed or will be complete very soon. I can see some definite progress with your timed writings. :o). Now that we are in week 8, please be sure to practice as much as you can. Remember the goal is 40 WPM.

4 Virtual Field Trip Tonight we will watch a short film on how to write a business letter. Go to: ◦ Here is another one about Follow up Let’s discuss your thoughts about the short clip? ◦ Lets talk about a time that you have written a business letter and what it was about. Also discuss the outcome. If you have not written one, discuss who you would write one to and why.

5 Unit Overview Tonight we will discuss personal-business letters and letters in modified-block style. Special features in letters and memos with lists will also be presented. The Tab feature will also be presented.

6 Did you know… Every new word processing feature and every new document processing feature is applied at least two times in the unit in which it is introduced.

7 Discussion Time… Discuss the importance of verifying information on the Internet. What about reliable and unreliable Web Sites? Please type 4 complete sentences explaining this! Please respond to two classmates.

8 Resume’s What is one thing that you would attach to a resume?

9 Letter of Application A brief overview to the information that will be found within your resume. Activity: ◦ Lets write 4 sample sentences that you would include in your personal Letter of Application.

10 Virtual Field Trip How to Write a Resume f18ds f18ds How to Write a Cover Letter, Follow-up Letter, and Thank You Letter 1pRew 1pRew

11 Research Papers What are some of the things you should remember when creating your research paper?

12 Research Papers Should be double-spaced One 1 inch margin Should generally be typed in Times New Roman or Courier New with a 12 font.

13 Learning Extension found in the classroom Go to this website: ◦ /inttut.html /inttut.html Lets try one: ◦ Click References  *Remember to Click and Drag.  How did you do? :o) Be sure to review all of the tutorials. I think that you will find them useful.

14 Discussion Time… Discuss the effect of various complimentary closings. Hint: The complimentary closing and the writers ID serve as a frame in which the signature floats. Type 4 complete sentences and respond to 2 classmates.

15 Number Expressions The first rule of number expression is a simple one: in general, spell out numbers zero through ten. If a sentence has two related numbers, with one number above ten and one below ten, show both numbers in figures.

16 Example of number expression. Cecily has 6 sweaters and 12 blouses.

17 Language Arts Exercise. Compose 5 sentences that have two or more sets of numbers. Example: Eighty-one rookies caught 47 line drives, and thirty-seven veterans caught 117 foul balls.

18 Figures that we use everyday… Demonstrate how figures are used to express the following: dates, fractions, amounts of money, measurements, decimals and percentages, and time.

19 Number Expresssion Quiz Go to this Website to take your quiz: quiz/numbers_1.asp quiz/numbers_1.asp When you are done click “Grade Quiz”, and there your answers will be listed.

20 Did you know… Typing the return address under the writer’s name is becoming an increasingly popular practice because the complete mailing address is positioned in one place. Perhaps the signature block, first used in e-mail, is appearing in other message formats because it makes good sense.

21 Discussion Time! Discuss the differences between a business letter and a personal-business letter. Brainstorm salutations and complimentary closings that would be appropriate for each. Use 4 complete sentences. Respond to 2 classmates.

22 Assignments Due This Week Proofreading Assessment Timed Typing Seminar No Discussions this week. That leaves plenty of time to practice :o)

23 Next Week …… We will discuss the Final a bit after we review Week 9 topics. What we do not cover for the final, be sure to go back and review the recorded seminars. :o)

24 Any Questions???? If not, Have a great Evening!

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