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WG 4: Using results of quality assurance for improving recognition Chair: Séamus Puirséil, ENQA Board; Higher Education and Training Awards Council, Ireland.

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Presentation on theme: "WG 4: Using results of quality assurance for improving recognition Chair: Séamus Puirséil, ENQA Board; Higher Education and Training Awards Council, Ireland."— Presentation transcript:

1 WG 4: Using results of quality assurance for improving recognition Chair: Séamus Puirséil, ENQA Board; Higher Education and Training Awards Council, Ireland Rapporteur: Carita Blomqvist, Finland

2 Conclusions Co-operation between QA systems helps and enhances recognition More transparency in QA systems Access to QA for all HE providers Link between academic networks and QA should be strengthened An agreed (joint) glossary needed

3 Recommendation Ministers in Bergen would encourage greater co-operation between the quality assurance and recognition communities in the European Higher Education Area and in particular that the ENICs-NARICs should participate in the major stakeholders group currently comprising ENQA, EUA, ESIB and Eurashe.

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