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1. The Beginning Whilhelm Wundt G. Stanley Hall Edward Bradford Titchener Structuralism Functionalism William James Mary Whiton Calkins Margaret Floy Washburn.

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Presentation on theme: "1. The Beginning Whilhelm Wundt G. Stanley Hall Edward Bradford Titchener Structuralism Functionalism William James Mary Whiton Calkins Margaret Floy Washburn."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. The Beginning Whilhelm Wundt G. Stanley Hall Edward Bradford Titchener Structuralism Functionalism William James Mary Whiton Calkins Margaret Floy Washburn

2 2. 1920s through today John B. Watson Rosalie Rayner Behaviorism Humanistic psychology B. F. Skinner Sigmund Freud Cognitive neuroscience Psychology - definition

3 2. Psychology’s Biggest Question - nature vs nurture - Charles Darwin - natural selection Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis Biopsychosocial approach

4 3. Psychology’s Approaches Behavioral Biological Cognitive Evolutionary Humanistic Psychodynamic Social-cultural

5 4. Psychology’s Subfields psychometrics Developmental psychology Educational psychology Personality psychology Social psychology Industrial-organizational (I/O) psychology Human factors psychology Counseling psychology Psychiatry Positive psychology Community psychology

6 4. - basic research - applied research

7 5. Basic Research Subfields Cognitive psychologist Developmental psychologist Educational psychologist Experimental psychologist Psychometric and Quantitative Psychologist Social psychologist

8 6. Applied Research Subfields Forensic psychologist Health psychologist Industrial-organizational psychologist Neuropsychologist Rehabilitation psychologist School psychologist Sport psychologist

9 6. The Helping Professions Clinical psychologist Community psychologist Counseling psychologist

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