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MACEDONIAN CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION PREVENTING CORRUPTION January 21 st 2009, Skopje Recent Developments and Plans for 2009.

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1 MACEDONIAN CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION PREVENTING CORRUPTION January 21 st 2009, Skopje Recent Developments and Plans for 2009

2 Borders Management Unit Administrative and Archive Unit Software Development Unit Applicative Support Unit Technical Support Unit About MCA Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Director General International Cooperation Unit Internal Audit Unit Administrative Procedure Unit Customs System Sector Professional Standards Sector HRM Sector Accounting and Finances Sector Control and Investigations Sector ICT Sector Logistics Affairs Sector Customs Offences Unit Customs and Tax System Unit Tariff, Origin, and Laboratory Unit Non Tariff Measures Unit Internal Control Unit Internal Investigations Unit Training Unit HRM Unit Customs House of Skopje Customs House of Bitola Customs House of Gevgelija Customs House of Kumanovo Customs House of Stip Budget and Bookkeeping Unit Revenue Collection Unit Maintenance Unit Security Unit Intelligence Unit Risk Analyses Unit Company Control Unit Control Unit Communication and Coordination Unit Operational Unit

3 14 cross border and 27 inland customs posts About MCA Albania Greece Bulgaria Serbia Skopje Kumanovo Bitola Štip Gevgelija Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia

4 Institutional aspects Interagency cooperation Integrity Anticorruption Activities ICT development Transparency Results Procedures and reduction of discretionary rights

5 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Fully operational Professional standards sector (PSS) Procedures and Guidelines for the operations of the PSS (2008) Institutional Aspects Adopted Arusha Declaration (2007) Drafted study for development of anticorruption policies (2007)

6 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Fully operational Internal Audit Unit Procedures and Guidelines for the operations of the PSS (2008) Institutional Aspects Adopted Anticorruption Strategy (2007) Revised Action plan for implementation of the Anticorruption Strategy (2008) Adopted Code of Conduct (2007)

7 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Adopted Rules on internal controlling systems (2008) Targeted high risk activities exposed to corruption and conflict of interest (2008) Institutional Aspects Adopted Rules on order and discipline (2008) Targeted high risk activities exposed to corruption and conflict of interest (2008)

8 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Fully functional customs hot telephone line Adopted procedures for internal vacant post announcements (2007) Institutional Aspects Adopted procedures for new recruitments (2007) Customs official’s asset declarations and control of their origin undertaken from State Anticorruption Commission (2008) During 2008, a total of 96,699 calls were received on the 197 open line, out of which 253 are related to information on corruptive or unprofessional conduct by the customs officials

9 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Engaged European Union customs experts Institutional Aspects Records on criminal cases against actual and former customs officials established Examination of the overall operations of the employees for whom it has been established that they have misused their official position

10 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Institutional Aspects Criminal charges against the employees who have damaged the budget Notifications to the Public Revenue Office on reasonable doubts regarding the origin of the assets of the customs officers

11 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Institutional Aspects Requests for reimbursement and prohibitions for disposal of the assets, against employees who damaged the budget Public announcement of the employees’ names against whom irrevocable rulings for criminal acts have been imposed Eliminated service shelters

12 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Institutional Aspects Establishment of Integrity benchmarks (planed for 2009) Introducing guideline on special investigative measures (planed for 2009) Introducing procedures in a case bribes is offered (planed for 2009) ISO certificate for good governance (planed for 2009)

13 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia State Audit Office Commission on Prevention of Corruption Public Prosecutor’s Office Public Revenue Office Judicial Council Financial Police Bureau for Prevention of Money Laundering Ministry of Interior Interagency Cooperation

14 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Ministry of Health Food Directorate Directorate for Radiation Safety Interagency Cooperation

15 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Adopted Training Strategy (2007) Annual training programs Integrity Installed WCO models for e-learning and prepared module for integrity (2008) Adopted basic training program for customs officers (2008) During 2008, 168 newly Recruited customs Official have been trained in accordance with this programm Established Customs library (2008) During 2008, 213 trainings, seminars, workshops, presentations were realised and attended by 3.418 customs officials with average of 58 hours or 7 working days per employee During 2008, 10 trainings on anticorruption have been organised and attended by 220 customs officials

16 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Introduced system on performance appraisal (2007) Integrity Introduced intranet portal (2007) Prepared elaborate for beneficiary working time (2008) Initiative for establishment WCO regional training center (2008)

17 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Salaries increased (10% in 2007, and additional increase of 10% + 30% in 2008) Integrity Adoption of guidelines for rotation of the customs officials (planed for 2009)

18 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Established centralized system for video surveillance (2008) ICT Development Established system for automatic recognition of registration plates (2008) Established Single Window System for import, export and transit licensees, and tariff quotas (2008)

19 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia ICT Development Developed Document management system (2008) Selected best bidder for development of new customs declaration processing system (2008) 4 x-ray mobile scanners for control of long vehicles and containers put in function (2008)

20 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia ICT Development Procured electronic customs seals (2008) Introduced GPS control (2008) Developed software for data exchange with PRO (2008) Introduced electronic system for recording staff’s office time (2008) Introduced electronic system for warehouses evidence (2008)

21 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Fully operational web site Fully operational web site Transparency Adopted procedures for publishing contents on the web site and intranet portal (2008) Started publishing monthly magazine “Carina” (2008) Monthly reports on the activities of the Customs administration

22 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Procedures and reduction of discretionary rights Guideline for the use of weapons by the customs officers (2008) Rulebook for the use and sale of the seized and abandoned goods to the Customs (2008) Rulebook for work with “informers” for the intelligence purposes (2008) Rulebook for radiation protection (2008)

23 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Procedures and reduction of discretionary rights Rulebook for work with customs dogs (2008) Rulebook for work of the Center for coordination and communication (2008) Guideline for the operation of mobile X-ray scanners for long vehicles and containers (2008) Rulebook for handling and testing of samples (2008)

24 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Procedures and reduction of discretionary rights Adopted guidelines on law enforcement when detecting criminal acts and customs offences (2008) Adopted guidelines for office and archive work (2008) Adopted guidelines for preparation and realization of the Financial plan, Plan on investments and Plan on procurements (2008)

25 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Procedures and reduction of discretionary rights Adopted guidelines on overtime work (2008) Adopted guidelines on business trips (2008) Adopted guidelines on use motor pool (2008) Adopted guidelines on use official mobile phones (2008) Adopted guidelines on clearance financial documents (2008)

26 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Procedures and reduction of discretionary rights Adopted guidelines on administrating seized goods (2008) Adopted guidelines on forced collection of customs debt (2008)

27 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Procedures and reduction of discretionary rights Abolished the fees for using the Customs Information System Significantly reduced fees payable for issuance of customs authorizations Abolished fees for binding tariff information and laboratory testing Introduced transparent criteria for reduction of the amount of the bank guarantee to ensure a customs debt up to 0%

28 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Results CARM was awarded with a First Category Award for greatest results achieved in practising good governance in a competition with other Government institutions Following the conclusion of the 141 internal investigations in 2008, grounded suspicion that the customs officials worked contrary to the legal provisions, regulations and operative instructions was established in 70 cases

29 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Results During 2008, 84 decisions have been made following the procedures for establishing responsibility in breaking the work discipline, out of which 28 cases resulted in contract termination, 36 customs officials and 1 public servant were fined. For 20 customs officials a decision was made to terminate the procedure due to failure to establish responsibility or due to obsoleteness. Written warnings have been issued to these customs officials

30 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Results During 2008, 110 decisions for one-time 15% decrease in the salary have been issued due to insufficient work results in the previous month

31 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Results During 2008, following the conclusion of the pre-investigative measures the CARM has submitted 84 criminal reports to the competent Public Prosecutors, for grounded suspicion of misuse of official power involving 97 customs officials

32 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Results During February 2008, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior 3 criminal reports for grounded suspicion of taking bribes, were submitted against one customs official, 3 customs officials were charged for misuse of official power

33 Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia Results During February 2008, in cooperation with the Organised Crime Department within the Ministry of Interior, due to grounded suspicion for committed crime - misuse of official power, criminal report was submitted against 11 customs officials for fictitious discharge of transit and import procedures for a legal entity

34 MACEDONIAN CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION PREVENTING CORRUPTION January 21 st 2009, Skopje Recent Developments and Plans for 2009

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