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MODERATE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. What does Moderate Physical Activity mean? First, you need to know the term “Metabolic Equivalent” or MET. This comes from.

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Presentation on theme: "MODERATE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. What does Moderate Physical Activity mean? First, you need to know the term “Metabolic Equivalent” or MET. This comes from."— Presentation transcript:


2 What does Moderate Physical Activity mean? First, you need to know the term “Metabolic Equivalent” or MET. This comes from the word metabolism, and refers to the intensity of any kind of exercise. Examples include: ➔ Sitting at rest: 1.0 MET ➔ Brisk walking: 4.0-5.5 METs ➔ Basketball (shooting only): 4.0-5.0 METs Corbin, Charles B. Fitness for Life. 6th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2014. 137 and Table 7.1. Print. Change background color/theme; Bullet/number text: Center text (see title above); Change font size (Arial--30 and 18)

3 Okay, so I understand METs. How much activity do I need? It is recommended that teenagers do 60 minutes of daily activity. (National Physical Activity guidelines) ●Moderate physical activity can be done every day ●3 days should include vigorous physical activity ●2 days should include muscle fitness and bone-building activities Corbin, Charles B. Fitness for Life. 6th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2014. 139. Print.

4 60 minutes seems like a lot! You can do all the activity at once, or you can break it up into smaller sections of at least 10 mintes at a time. (10-minute increments is not the best way to do it, but it does give some health benefits)

5 How can I check my physical activity during PE class? We will be using a class set of pedometers (at least once every 2 weeks) to measure the steps taken during class. Some days will be more than others, but we’ll try to use them on days with more activity. Insert an image

6 How many steps should I be taking every day? You should average about 10,000 steps per day. Fit Fact: Most Americans of all ages take less than 5,000 steps per day. Corbin, Charles B. Fitness for Life. 6th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2014. 141. Print.

7 Watch this video about using a pedometer:

8 Today’s pedometer activity is called “Daytona 2000” Your goal is to total at least 2000 steps.

9 That’s it! Get ready to start the Daytona 2000! (Spark Physical Education Activity--Middle School level)

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