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1 English 1010 Writing Workshop Spring 2013 Meet twice a week M, Th (Sec.1a) Monday 4:10-6:00 (2-116) Thursday 4:10-6:00 (1-308) Austin Casey

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1 1 English 1010 Writing Workshop Spring 2013 Meet twice a week M, Th (Sec.1a) Monday 4:10-6:00 (2-116) Thursday 4:10-6:00 (1-308) E-mail: Austin Casey Phone: 134 3922 0499 Website: Office Hours: Wednesday 6-8, Thursday 10-12 (ICB319)

2 2 English 1010 Writing Workshop Spring 2013 Meet twice a week T, Th (Sec.1b) Tuesday 4:10-6:00 (2-105) Thursday 8:00-9:50 (2-215) E-mail: Austin Casey Phone: 134 3922 0499 Website: Office Hours: Wednesday 6-8, Thursday 10-12 (ICB319)

3 3 Today: HW Due: Journal 3, grammar worksheet (finish) Essay reminders Thesis work Read: Student Zombies Homework: Essay 2: First 100+ words

4 End of Session Exam Next week is the End of session exam for UK No class next week: I will be giving an exam from 3:00-6:00, We will have to reschedule the class

5 Essay 1: Thesis 1. Thesis = topic + opinion + brief reason 2. Thesis must be stand alone, no connectors, pronouns, or references to other sentences

6 Essay 1: Thesis Must attach rough draft, so I can grade based on improvement. Explain somethings that the reader may be curious about. Peoples names, the name of certain Chinese dishes, etc.

7 7 -I am going to show... X -I am going to talk about... X -In this essay... X -In this paper let's consider...X Thesis: Avoid Announcements

8 Movie and Book names Don't use : > or “Title” These are not necessary, as English has spaces and capital letters ….. in the movie Shashank Redemption there is... …. in the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ….

9 Brands Never use all CAPS in writing, it is not academic Brands are always: Nike, Coca-cola, etc Only some brands are special like iPhone (if the brand uses all caps, then you can use it, check internet to find official spelling of brand)

10 10 Activity: write supporting evidence Unlike others, I actually prefer eating junk food 1. 2. 3. Corruption in sports can lead to a lot of social problems 1. 2. 3.

11 11 Activity: supporting evidence p.380 I am for/against organ donation for... 1. 2. 3. I am for/against the death penalty (capital punishment) because... 1. 2. 3.

12 12 Essay 2: MLA p.393-394, 406 Must have 3 academic references (author's first name and last name) p.393-394 in text citations p.406 works cited page (reference page)

13 13 Standard MLA: In his book Physics for Future Presidents, Richard Muller writes that we must overcome political differences and understand the science to make a better future. “I think the president has to understand the physics to make correct decisions”. (Muller p.76) Reference Page: Muller, Richard. Physics for Future Presidents. Berkeley, California: Berkeley Books, 2010.

14 14 Personal Interview p.394 Last Name, First Name. Personal interview. Day Month Year. McClintock, Ann. Personal interview. 23 June 2004.

15 15 Online Program: Turnitin Checks for plagiarism Proper referencing PPT



18 18 Essay – Reminders Double Spaced stapled Make an interesting title Thesis should be at the bottom of the introduction. Each topic sentence (T1, T2, and T3) should be at the beginning of the paragraph. Each topic sentence needs 2-3 evidence to support it Conclusion will say the same basic thing as the introduction (paraphrase)

19 19 Essay – Reminders Grammar - Verb tense: Keep the same verb tense throughout the sentence Ex: I took my driving test, but I ran into another car the next day, I was shock. Ex: I eat breakfast, take a shower, and went to school. Ex: The diner was empty and lonely, nobody in there.

20 How Far Can We Go: Argumentative Essay … ellipses (not a complete thought) Rules for Essay 3: 1.Research Essay (3 Academic References) 2.Counter argument + refute 3.Who disagrees with you 4.One quote (1-3) 5.Cannot use first or second person (I, you, etc)

21 Argumentative Style An argument where nearly 50% of the general population agree, while 50% disagree.

22 22 Activity: Small Arguments (150+ words) 1. Make your own argument about something that doesn’t really matter. It is not a serious social problem. 2. Be creative 3. Choose a small topic 4. It can just be a simple opinion 5. Describe your point and counterpoint 6. Who agrees and who disagrees (two groups)

23 Example: Bananas are the most convenient food because they have their own wrapper and you can carry them around and trade them. Other's Opinion: Many people think eggs are more convenient, but they can easily spoil or break and make a mess. Counterargument / refute

24 Example: with small arguments Opinion I like cats. Rice is better than noodles. TVs are bad. Blue is the best color. Argument Cats are a useful pet because they can catch mice. Rice is better than noodles because it is healthier. TV programs are bad for children because they show a lot of violence. Blue is the best color because it can make you feel calm.

25 25 Social Issue Rule You must choose a topic that at least 50% of people disagree about. Ex: I think eating well is healthy for your life. NO Ex: I think pollution is wrong because... NO Ex: Why the pencil is better than the pen. NO, small problem Ex: How to install windows 7 NO, too small Ex: Once I saw a dog eating a pie. NO, horribly written, not a thesis

26 26 Don't be afraid if 50% or more disagree. It may be more interesting 50% or more disagree: Ex: Unfortunately, war is important to develop better technology. YES Ex: Unlike my classmates, I think we should study more and sleep less to become more competitive YES Ex: I may be different, but I think smoking is an important way to relax yourself because... YES

27 27 Social Issue Rule Your topic must be a social issue that can relate to others. Ex: I had a difficult exam last week. NO Ex: I always struggle with English essays. NO Ex: Many people will struggle with exams if they were not properly educated because... YES Ex: Tests should not be given in our university because... YES

28 28 Must be a big argument Ex: Bananas are the most convenient food because they have their own wrapper and you can carry them around and trade them. NO Ex: Reading magazines is better than reading novels because you can get more information from the pictures. NO Ex: Children should be limited in the time they spend watching TV everyday for their mental and physical development. YES

29 29 Try to make it an important issue Bottled water is better than tap water Pet fish are better than pet dogs Taking too much medicine is bad for you Eating too much junk food is bad for you ALL NO

30 Journal 1 Do you prefer to shop online or at a real store? Write a short essay comparing and contrasting the experience of shopping at these two different kinds of stores. Use specific reasons and examples to illustrate the stores' similarities and differences. Write 250-300 words and make sure there is a thesis, introductory sentence, and concluding sentence

31 Journal 2 Choose a TOEFL Task 2 question and answer it. Remember choose a trend or a problem. Then use the format “what are your opinions on this” Follow the standard format, 250-300+ words, 4 paragraphs etc.

32 Journal 3: Bucket List A bucket list is a list of things you want to do in your life before you die. Although this is a creative writing assignment, you must still follow the correct structure as usual. 300+ words

33 33 Journal 4: Perfect Day Someone you really want to impress or must pay back is visiting you soon. They have asked you to plan out the perfect visit. Write an essay explaining exactly how your friend should spend his or her day with you. Be sure to include specific details about each activity. Remember: use personal examples/experiences 300+ words

34 34 Essays: You will write 4 essays and make a portfolio. 1. Remembering an Event (550-650 words) Something that happened to you. An interesting event that you remember clearly. 2. Writing a Profile (550-650 words) You will describe something or someone. 3. Proposing a Solution (650-750 words) You will discuss a problem and explain how to fix it 4. Justifying an Evaluation (550-650 words) You will give evidence to support a decision. 5.Portfolio You will choose 5 journal entries to put in your portfolio. 6. Journal Entries These will be given by the instructor. They will cover various topics.

35 35 Course Schedule: Lesson ALesson B Week 5Essay 1 Rough Draft Due (550+ words) Journal 1 Due Week 6 Essay 1 Final Draft Due (550+ words) Journal 2 Due Week 7 Karate Life: Journal 3 Due Week 8 Essay 2 (first 100 words)

36 36 Homework: Finish Peer Review Journal 4: Perfect Day (next week)

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