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A Presentation on Motivation Types of Motivation and Theories of Motivation Presented By- Priyanka Nain Institute of Teacher Training & Research (B.P.S.M.V.)

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Presentation on theme: "A Presentation on Motivation Types of Motivation and Theories of Motivation Presented By- Priyanka Nain Institute of Teacher Training & Research (B.P.S.M.V.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Presentation on Motivation Types of Motivation and Theories of Motivation Presented By- Priyanka Nain Institute of Teacher Training & Research (B.P.S.M.V.)

2 Look at these pictures and think…



5 All just because of MOTIVATION The bird is putting efforts to make its nest. The boy is learning to cycle even after getting injured. The student is studying hard during exams.

6 We put efforts because we are motivated to learn

7 Two categories of motives  Primary Motives: Motives which are linked with basic primary needs and associated with biological well being of an individual. Needs that come under this category:  Need for food,water and oxygen.  Needs that are fundamental for survival  Need to take rest when tired  Need for being active when rested  Need for regular elimination of waste products from our body

8  Need for satisfaction of sexual urge  Secondary Motives: Motives linked with one’s socoi- psychological needs are known as secondary or psychological motives. Needs that come under this category:  Need for freedom  Need for security  Need to achieve  Need for affection

9  Need for recognition  Need for companionship  Need for self assertion  Need for self actualization

10 The Motivational Cycle Tension Activity Motivated Behaviour Reduction Of Tension Achievement Of Goal Satisfaction Or Relief Need

11 Types of Motivation Natural/Intrins ic Motivation  Linked with natural instincts  Derives pleasure within the learning Artificial/Extrins ic Motivation  No functional relationship to the task  Source of pleasure does not lie within the task

12  Goal l is just pleasure  For instance- I enjoy reading poetry, so it gives me pleasure and in this way I am naturally motivated to read it.  Goal is not pleasure rather external rewards  For instance- I am doing B.Ed so that I can appear in HTET/CTET exams, It does not give me pleasure, so I am not naturally motivated. It is a means of attaining desired goal.

13 Theories of Motivation  McClelland's Theory of Needs oAn individual's specific needs are acquired over time and are shaped by one's life experiences oMost of these needs can be classified as  Achievement  Affiliation  Power

14 oMcClelland's theory sometimes is also referred as the three needs theory or as the learned needs theory. Achievement oPeople with a high need for achievement (nAch) seek to excel and tend to avoid both low-risk and high-risk situations.  Achievers avoid low-risk situations because the easily attained success is not a genuine achievement.

15  Achievers avoid high-risk situations because they see the outcome as one of chance rather than one's own effort. oHigh nAch individuals prefer work that has a moderate probability of success, ideally a 50% chance. oAchievers need regular feedback in order to monitor the progress of their achievements. oThey prefer either to work alone or with other high achievers.

16 Affiliation Those with a high need for affiliation (nAff) need harmonious relationships with other people and need to feel accepted by other people. They tend to conform to the norms of their work group. High nAff individuals prefer work that provides significant personal interaction. They perform well in customer service and client interaction situations

17 Power A person's need for power (nPow) can be one of two types: -personal -institutional. Those who need personal power want to direct others, and this need often is perceived as undesirable. Persons who need institutional power (also known as social power) want to organize the efforts of others to further the goals of the organization.

18 Maslow’s Theory of Self Actualization Abraham Maslow in 1954 stated that human needs tend to arrange themselves in hierarchies of prepotency. oAppearance of one need depends on the satisfaction of the other. oThe physiological needs necessary for survival are at the top.

19 oA need that has been satisfied is no longer a need. oBehaviour of a person is always dominated not by his satisfied needs but by his unsatisfied wants, desires and needs.

20 Self actualization Self esteem needs (competence, approval, adequacy etc. Belongingness and love needs (affiliation, acceptance, affection etc.) Safety Needs (Security, psychological safety etc.) Physiological Needs (Food, drink, rest, sleep etc.)


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