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The ULTRANET Western Metropolitan Region Ultranet Team.

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1 The ULTRANET Western Metropolitan Region Ultranet Team

2 Background The Ultranet will fundamentally change Victorian government school education by linking whole school communities, parents, students and teachers, enabling them to collaborate to improve student-learning outcomes in a way not previously possible. It will bring together the key processes involved in the day-to-day running of a school and a classroom, and become an indispensable part of school practice and culture.

3 WHAT IS THE ULTRANET? Imagine ALL the processes that form a part of your daily life at your school, where a computer is involved… CASES 21 Newsletter Work Program Internet Research Email ??????????? Try to make a list with a colleague

4 websites online learning and teaching security audit tracking Curriculum design archiving accountability Facilities Communication parents booking resources chat special needs state wide initiative school policy booking rooms list managementdiscussion forum daily organisation notification and bulletins reporting student managementcommunication professional development content publications feedbacksubmissions enquiry managementgames operationsdata backupweb servers event management edumailintranetsremote access feedbackonline roll markingPowerPoint's progress reporting Lessons resources Student unique identifier workflow processing instant messaging new student report card online excursion management administration POLTS performance individual learning plans employee management planning Roll marking online search notesdigital resourcesincidents VELS surveys

5 These are just some of the things the ULTRANET aims to capture

6 The Ultranet is basically a way of organising resources, managing administration and creating and delivering curriculum.

7 Importantly, because it’s web based, teachers, parents and students can all collaborate around improving an individual students learning outcomes in an environment which is… anytime... anywhere.. anyime... anywhere.. anytime... anywhere..

8 What is the Ultranet? The Ultranet is an intuitive student- centred electronic learning environment that supports high quality learning and teaching, connects students and parents and enables efficient knowledge transfer.

9 The Ultranet will: 1. Provide an online space to manage the running of schools. It will also allow teachers, parents and students to access the information they need via the Internet.

10 The Ultranet will: 2. Provide a complete online learning environment in which parents, students and teachers can create, access, deliver and share curriculum content, collaborate in learning activities and record progress against individual learning plans/goals.

11 The Ultranet will: 3. Establish a schools environment for the future that improves the educational outcomes of all Victorians.

12 The Ultranet will: 4. Help to improve student learning, support the work of the teachers, enable DoE to better support Victorian government schools, and enhance active partnerships with parents.

13 The Ultranet will: 5. Complement the classroom environment allowing access anytime, anywhere and support both distance and multi-site learning.

14 The Ultranet will: 6. Be the school’s knowledge management framework that will allow educators and parents to make informed and intelligent decisions that more effectively support the learning and growth of Victorian students.

15 The diagram illustrates the proposed functionality.

16 Objectives of the Ultranet Improve responsiveness to individual learning needs Provide better information to parents, the school system and Government Improve efficiency of the learning environment and school administration Adopt an enterprise approach to intranet development Exploit previous ICT investments

17 Key benefits to the Ultranet community Establish a school environment for the future Improve the educational outcomes of the Victorians Reduce the administrative burden on teachers and school leaders Reduce the future cost of education Improve educational opportunities for regional, rural and remote Victorians

18 WMR Ultranet Team Linda Blaschka - Kevin Daly - Alf Galea - Debra Hicks - Helen Otway - Rob Crupi-

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