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UNIT TWO: JUSTICE AND SELF Review and Test Preparation.

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1 UNIT TWO: JUSTICE AND SELF Review and Test Preparation

2 Unit 2 Review and Test Preparation  There will be three components to the test: (13 12 18) 1. Descriptions of key terms and concepts (definition – K, example – A, significance – T); 2. Short answer responses addressing the major themes and learning goals from each module (sentences or point form – A & T); 3. Long answer response to a site passage consolidating the major learning from the unit (paragraph(s) – A & T).

3 THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONCEPTS FROM MODULES 1- 2 WERE ASSESSED ON THE QUIZ; YOU SHOULD KNOW THEM TO RESPOND TO THE CONSOLIDATION QUESTIONS. Review and Test Preparation Rerum Novarum Human Dignity Participation: the call to family and community Rights and Responsibilities The Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers Solidarity Stewardship Promotion of the Peace

4 THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONCEPTS FROM MODULES 3 - 7 WERE NOT ASSESSED ON THE QUIZ; YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DEFINE THEM, PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE, AND STATE THE SIGNIFICANCE. Review and Test Preparation The Kingdom of God Competing social hierarchies The Parousia The Beatitudes The Sermon on the Mount The Consistent Ethic of Life The Seamless Garment Life Ethics Social Ethics Culture of Life Abortion Active Euthanasia Passive Euthanasia Assisted Suicide Material Poverty Spiritual Poverty The Cycle of Poverty Chronic Hunger/Malnutrition Survival vs. Thrival Needs

5 Unit 2 Review and Test Preparation  The major themes and learning goals are: 1. We will be able to identify and describe the historical and cultural evolution of Catholic Social Teaching. 2. We will be able to identify and describe the eight themes of CST. 3. We will be to describe the Kingdom of God and apply it to CST. 4. We will identify and describe the significance of the consistent ethic of life as it relates to the themes of CST and contemporary issues. 5. We will apply the Consistent Ethic of Life and the notion of Human Dignity to the contemporary issues (i.e., abortion & euthanasia). 6. We will describe the interdependence of poverty, participation, rights, work, and solidarity by applying them to contemporary issues.

6 Unit 2 Review and Test Preparation The short answer thinking questions will ask you to discern, analyse, and form conclusions using theological reflection, thus you might be asked to comprehensively describe how the Church might respond to a variety of issues using specific, concrete examples in sentence/point/mind-map form: 1. Abortion 2. Euthanasia 3. Material Poverty 4. Spiritual Poverty

7 Unit 2 Review and Test Preparation The long answer application/communication questions will ask you to evaluate moral, ethical, and social justice issues, thus you might be asked to comprehensively describe how the themes of CST and other learning might apply to a cite passage or video using specific, concrete examples in paragraph/essay form.

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