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SMA [CII] 158um 334GHz, 20hrs BRI1202-0725 z=4.7 HyLIRG (10 13 L o ) pair: Quasar host Obscured SMG SFR ~ 10 3 ; M H2 ~ 10 11 Iono ea 2007 Salome ea. 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "SMA [CII] 158um 334GHz, 20hrs BRI1202-0725 z=4.7 HyLIRG (10 13 L o ) pair: Quasar host Obscured SMG SFR ~ 10 3 ; M H2 ~ 10 11 Iono ea 2007 Salome ea. 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMA [CII] 158um 334GHz, 20hrs BRI1202-0725 z=4.7 HyLIRG (10 13 L o ) pair: Quasar host Obscured SMG SFR ~ 10 3 ; M H2 ~ 10 11 Iono ea 2007 Salome ea. 2012 + + 4”4” HST 814 Hu ea 96

2 SMA 20hrs ALMA SV 20min, 16 ants [CII] in 1202-0725 Wagg ea 334GHz

3 First Galaxies and Reionization with ALMA Chris Carilli (NRAO) ALMA First Science meeting, Puerto Varas, Chile (Dec 2012)  Introduction: reionization, first galaxies (z>5), and [CII]  ALMA Cycle 0: observations of galaxies within 1Gy of Big Bang  SMGs: clustered, massive galaxy formation at z ~ 5  Quasar hosts: z = 6 to 7  Future: Redshifts of first galaxies Constraints on f(HI)

4 Big Bang f(HI) ~ 0 Dark Ages f(HI) ~ 1 f(HI) ~ 10 -5 History of the IGM ) Recombination z~1000 Reionization z~6-14 t univ < 1Gyr Last phase of cosmic evolution to be tested and explored Cosmological benchmark: formation of first galaxies and quasars F(HI) vs. z: HI 21cm experiments Today’s focus: first galaxies with ALMA Universum incognitus

5 Lower bound: Gunn- Peterson effect SDSS quasars Fan et al 2006 5.7 6.4 SDSS z~6 quasars Resonant Lya scat. by IGM: Opaque (τ > 5) at z>6 => pushing into reionization? F(HI) > 10 -4

6 Focus: Fine Structure lines [CII] 158um ( 2 P 3/2 - 2 P 1/2 )  Principal ISM gas coolant  Traces PDRs, WIM, and the CNM (E ion (C) = 11.3eV)  [CII] 10x more luminous than any other line at meter to FIR in spiral galaxies  z > 5 => redshift to mm bands

7 [CII]/FIR  FIR < 10 11 L o : 0.003 +/- 1dex  FIR > 10 11 : large scatter (~ 2dex) AGN-dominated: low SF dominated: ‘MW’  [CII] powerful tool for: Gas dynamics (CNM – WIM) Redshift determinations z>6  Low metallicity: enhanced [CII]/FIR (lower dust attenuation => large UV heating zone) LMC MW 11 Carilli & Walter 2013

8 Clustered, massive galaxy formation when t univ < 1Gyr  Massive galaxies form most stars early, and quickly (‘downsizing’): old galaxies z~3 => z form > 4  HyLIRG (SMGs, quasar hosts): high-z tail (z>4) = early formation of large elliptical galaxies in dense environments in major, gas rich, merger driven starbursts  Gas consumption timescales short: M gas /SFR ~ 10 7 yrs  Rapid enrichment of metals, dust 10

9 BRI1202-0725 z=4.7: Anatomy of very early massive galaxy formation SMG QSO LAE1 LAE2 Two hyper-starbursts (obscured SMG and quasar host): SFR ~ 10 3 M o /yr Two ‘normal’ LAE: SFR ≤ 10 2 M o /yr All detected in [CII], three detected in dust continuum G3 G4 rms=0.1mJy 2”2” Wagg, Carilli

10 [CII] in 1202: Imaging cool gas dynamics at z=4.7 Quasar, SMG: Broad, strong lines Tidal bridge across G3, as expected in gas-rich merger Possible quasar outflow, or further tidal feature, toward G4 SMG LAE2 LAE1 Q

11 Tidal stream connecting hyper-starbursts: merger ‘smoking gun’ SMG: rotating disk: M dyn (5kpc) ~ 3.6e11 M o (or compact merger?) HyLIRG QSO host: outflow seen in [CII] and CO (‘feedback’) LAE1: [CII] in tidal gas stream LAE2: dust and [CII] BRI1202: laboratory for early massive galaxy and SMBH formation SMG Q LAE1 LAE2 +500km/s -500km/s 2”2”

12 Other atomic FSL: physical diagnostics [NII] 205um line emission from SMG z=4.8 (3.6hrs) NII/CII = 0.043 +/- 0.008 ~ nearby spirals (0.02-0.07) => ~ solar metalicity ~ 50% of [CII] from CNM (E ion (N) = 14.5eV)? (talks: Stacey, Firkenhoff, Nagao) Nagao et al. 2012

13 Aztec 3: massive cluster formation at z=5.3 Most distant SMG: SFR ~ 1800, M gas ~ 5e10 M o Most distant proto-cluster: 11 LBGs over ~ 1’; 5 w. z spec ~ 5.30 Riechers ea: Bure + JVLA

14 Aztec3: ALMA CII, Dust SMG; S 300 = 5.6mJy Dusty SFG; S 300 = 1.5mJy LBG Detect 2 nd continuum sourcw, no HST => dust obscured star forming galaxy (450 M o /yr) Detect [CII] from SMG, DSFG, LBG 300GHz rms=70uJy 20mJy 10mJy 5mJy

15 CII emission from ‘LBG group’ z=5.3 S 300 SFR < 80 M o /yr [CII]/FIR (LBG) > 0.0023 [CII]/FIR (SMG) = 0.001 ALMA obs of SMGs z ~ 5: [CII] and dust during early massive galaxy formation Delineate gas dynamics at sub-kpc resolution FS line ratios provide physical diagnostics Easy to detect [CII] emission from typical LAE/LBG at z~ 5: new window on galaxy formation LBG z=5.3 [CII]

16 Pushing to edge of reionization: quasar host galaxies at z = 6 to 7  Why quasar hosts? Rapidly increasing samples (~40) Spectroscopic redshifts Massive galaxies  Dust detections ~ 1/3 of sample: FIR ~ 10 13 L o ; M D > 10 8 M o => very early dust formation?  11 CO detections: M gas ~ few x10 10 M o  2 [CII] detections (prior to ALMA) SDSS J1148+5251 z=6.42 Host galaxy CO 3-2 VLA 1”=5.5kpc Walter ea

17 J1148 [CII] z=6.4: ‘Maximal star forming disk’ [CII] size ~ 2 kpc => SFR/area ~ 1000 M o yr -1 kpc -2 Maximal starburst: (Thompson ea 2005)  Self-gravitating gas disk  Vertical disk support by radiation pressure on dust grains  ‘Eddington limited’ SFR/area ~ 1000 M o yr -1 kpc -2  eg. Arp 220 on 100pc scale, Orion < 1pc scale 1”1” PdBI, 0.3”res, 20hrs Walter ea.

18 ALMA Cycle 0: [CII] in z=6 quasar hosts 1hr, 17ant, 300GHz, 0.5” res 5/5 detected at high SNR in [CII] and dust Dust and [CII] spatially resolved, sizes ~ 2-3kpc Clear velocity gradients DustVel[CII] Wang ea

19 z=6.132 +300 km/s -200 km/s Gas dyn at z>6: J1319+0950 z=6.13 Size= 3.5 x 1.7kpc V rot ~ 250 km/s M dyn ~ 5e10 M o M H2 ~ 3e10 (a/0.8) => gas dominated, maximal starburst disk

20 Black hole-Bulge mass relation in early universe  Low z: M BH ~ 0.0014 M bulge => ‘causal relation between formation of SMBH and galaxies’  High z quasars: M bulge from gas dynamics M BH from line widths, L Edd large scatter, but systematically lower bulge mass than expected by factor ~ 15  Suggests black holes for before host galaxies? (Khandai et al. 2012) M bulge Wang ea

21  CO vs [CII]: can be substantially different line profiles => Different atomic vs. molecular gas dynamics  Problematic for fundamental constant evolution studies (Lentati) Line profiles: CO vs [CII]

22 Quasar outflows seen in [CII]: quasar mode feedback Outflow velocities > 1000 km/s, sizes > 10kpc Mass outflow rate ~ 3000 Mo/yr  Gas consumption timescale due to outflow < star formation Direct observation of quasar-mode feedback  inhibit further star formation  Enrich local IGM 1148+5259 z=6.4 Bure Maiolino ea 800 km/s Wang ea z=6.1

23 GP effect: damped profile of neutral IGM wipes-out Lya emission line τ IGM > 5 DLA: N IGM (HI) ~ 4e20 cm 2 Suggests f IGM (HI) > 0.1 (vs. < 10 -4 at z=6; Bolton ea.) J1120+0641: z=7.084 Most distant z spec Mortlock ea; Simcoe ea.

24 J1120+0641: [CII] and dust with Bure  [CII] and dust detected with Bure => SFR ~ 300 Mo/yr [CII]/FIR ~ 0.002 very accurate host galaxy z=7.0842  ISM of host galaxy substantially enriched Venemans ea

25 Extremely metal-poor gas just outside galaxy: [Z/H] < 10 -4 solar  enriched ISM in host, but pristine IGM within 2Mpc  Highly inhomogeneous IGM as expected during reionization? Simcoe ea.

26 Drop-out technique: identifying galaxy candidates to z~9 SFR ~ few to ten M o /yr Possibly correspond to the low mass galaxies that reionize the Universe (for f esc >0.2; C<10) Difficulty: confirming redshifts (Bouwens et al. 2012) Robertson & Ellis Pushing further into reionization: z~9 near-IR dropouts

27 z spec (near-IR) may be impossible: Lya damping wing of neutral IGM wipes out even broad quasar Lya emission line! ALMA can detect [CII] from 5M o /yr at z=7 in 1hr (5σ in 2 channels) 8GHz BW => Δz ~ 0.3 at z=7 Low Metalicities, but [CII]/FIR increases with decreasing metalicity! Critical need for [CII] redshifts for 1 st galaxies z~9 (Bouwens et al. 2012) z=7.1 quasar

28 Constraints on neutral fraction z~7: Quasar near zones Time bounded Stromgren sphere ionized by quasar Difference in z host and z GP => R NZ =2Mpc ~ [L γ t Q /F HI ] 1/3 (1+z) -1 [CII] and CO: key to determining accurate host galaxy redshifts Accurate host galaxy redshift from [CII]: z=7.0842 Quasar Lya spectrum => photons leaking down to z=7.041

29 Quasar Near-Zones: 29 GP quasars at z=5.7 to 7.1 No correlation of UV luminosity with redshift Correlation of R NZ with UV luminosity Note: significant intrinsic scatter due to local environ., t q R L γ 1/3 L UV Carilli ea

30 Decreasing NZ size with z => significant increase neutral fraction of IGM from z ~ 5.7 to 7.1 [factor 4 NZ size => factor 64 f(HI)] z ≤ 6.4 z=7.1

31 QNZ Q-DLA CMB pol GP z>6 quasars => rapid change in IGM neutral fraction ‘Cosmic phase transition’: z~7 to 10 critical for 1 st galaxies Band 5 is hypercritical to cover [CII] during reionization 0.95 0.65 0.48 0.38Gyr 3.34 Gnedin & Fan model ALMA Band 5 [CII]

32 Cosmic reionization and first galaxies with ALMA Cool gas and dust: fuel for star formation, ISM physics… [CII] key gas dynamical tracer: anatomy of mergers, rotation, masses… [CII]: Key redshift determinant at z>7. Need band 5! FSL: physical diagnostics z>6 quasar spectra: powerful probe of f(HI) vs. z

33 Cycle 1: [CII] z>5 Capak: Cosmos LBG Ota: LAEs Wang: quasar hosts Ouchi: Lya blob, LAE Momose: LAE Venemans: quasar hosts Berger: GRB Gonzales: lensed LBG

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