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Adaptation Jeopardy VocabularyBasic NeedsPhysical Adaptations Behavioral Adaptations Grab Bag 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptation Jeopardy VocabularyBasic NeedsPhysical Adaptations Behavioral Adaptations Grab Bag 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptation Jeopardy VocabularyBasic NeedsPhysical Adaptations Behavioral Adaptations Grab Bag 10 20 30 40 50

2 Any body part or behavior that helps an animal meet it’s basic needs and survive is an _______________________. Adaptation

3 Any life changes from an egg to an adult is called ___________________. Metamorphosis

4 An animal’s color or pattern that helps them blend in with their environment is ____________________. Camouflage BONUS! Is this a physical or behavioral adaptation?

5 Everything that surrounds an animal, living and nonliving is called the animal’s ________________ Environment

6 The movement of a group of animals from one region to another for better food or climate is _____________________. Migration

7 How many basic needs are there? 5 BONUS! Name them.

8 One of many gases in the air that is also a basic need is ________________. Oxygen

9 The basic need that is a place where animals are protected from the weather and from other animals is ___________________. Shelter

10 Animals need to live in the area with the right average amount of rainfall and average temperature. This basic need is ______________.

11 Polar Bears live in the Arctic. If Global Warming occurs and the whole Earth starts getting too warm, including the Arctic, what need is not going to be met for the Polar Bears? The right climate

12 Camouflage is an example of a physical adaptation. How does camouflage help an animal? Name an animal that uses camouflage.

13 Name one physical adaptation of a bird.

14 The body coverings of an animal are a physical adaptation. Name an animal that has an unusual body covering that has helped the animal adapt.

15 How has the Viceroy Butterfly adapted physically to help it survive? Mimicking another animal. (The Monarch) BONUS: Name another animal that uses this physical adaptation.

16 Name some ways a Kangaroo Rat has adapted to help it survive?

17 A behavioral adaptation can be an _____________ or learned behavior. Instinct

18 What is the behavioral adaptation where animals conserve energy by going into a deep “sleep” and their body temperature, heart rate, and breathing all slow down? Hibernation

19 Name an animal that hibernates.

20 What are some reasons an animal might migrate?

21 Name an example of a LEARNED behavior.

22 How do the shape of an animals teeth help them meet their needs?

23 An instinct is a behavior an animal is __________ knowing. Born BONUS: Give an example of an instinct behavior.

24 During hibernation, an animal’s body changes. How? It’s body temperature drops, it’s heart beat and breathing rate slow down.

25 Does physical adaptation happen quickly or slowly? VERY slowly. Over thousands of years.

26 Why does an animal need to adapt? An animal adapts to meet it’s five basic needs which help it survive.

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