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Polar Bear Rules At School By: Lowrance Positive Behavior Support Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Polar Bear Rules At School By: Lowrance Positive Behavior Support Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polar Bear Rules At School By: Lowrance Positive Behavior Support Team

2 Polar Bear Pledge We are the Polar Bears. We are prepared. We have an A+ attitude. We are winning workers! And we practice safety first! Polar Bears are cool!

3 PAWS PAWS stands for: Prepared A+ attitude Winning workers, and Safety first

4 Bus Prepared: Bring what you need to go home, or to go to school. A+ Attitude: Keep all objects in your book bag. Accept consequences without arguing. Winning Workers: Follow directions Keep hands and feet to yourself. Talk only about good things. Safety First: Stay in your seat. Face forward, and use a quiet voice.

5 Hallway Prepared: Line up quietly in the classroom. Have folder or notebook for the next class. Enter hall quietly. A+ Attitude: Wait quietly to go to the next class. Keep the line straight. Winning Workers: Follow teacher directions. Use a hall pass to walk without your teacher. Safety First: Keep hands and feet to yourself. Walk on the right side of the hall. Quiet in the hall.

6 Restroom Prepared: Close the stall door. Flush when you are finished. A+ Attitude: Wash hands with soap and water Dry hands with paper towels. Winning Workers: Throw away paper towels. Take turns at the sink. Listen to the teacher. Safety First: Enter and exit quietly. Walk. Use a quiet voice.

7 Cafeteria Prepared: Know what you want to eat. Know, or bring your lunch number. A+ Attitude: Say “Please” and “Thank you”. Smile and look at people when ordering food. Talk quietly. Winning Workers: Clean up after yourself. Return your tray. Throw trash away. Safety First: Eat only your food. Stay in line to get food, enter, and exit the cafeteria. Keep hands to yourself. Listen to the teacher. Once seated, stay in your seat.

8 Classroom Prepared: Bring pencils, paper, and materials. Come in quietly. A+ Attitude: Do your best work. Actively participate. Winning Workers: Finish your work. Ask for help. Wait quietly for help. Safety First: Keep hands and feet to yourself. Stay in your seat. Wait for teacher to dismiss you.

9 Members of the Positive Behavior Support Team Bonnie Cristina Carol Blankenbeckler Dawn Meade Ghazi Sakran LaMonica Smalls Tina Alvear Teresa Simchik Jamie Zeoli

10 Thank you for being so good at Lowrance!

11 Sources: google/ Fair Use Guideline This multi-media presentation was created following the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Certain materials are included under the Fair Use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law. Further use of these materials and this presentation is restricted.

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