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* 1. What did the polar bear eat? * Do Polar Bears live alone or in families? * What do Polar Bears need in order to hunt for seals? * Are Polar Bears.

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Presentation on theme: "* 1. What did the polar bear eat? * Do Polar Bears live alone or in families? * What do Polar Bears need in order to hunt for seals? * Are Polar Bears."— Presentation transcript:


2 * 1. What did the polar bear eat? * Do Polar Bears live alone or in families? * What do Polar Bears need in order to hunt for seals? * Are Polar Bears always successful at catching their prey? (Click on the picture for a amazing video)

3 * How much does a Polar Bear weigh? * What is a Polar Bears average length? * How long do Polar Bears live? (Click on the picture for a amazing web site)

4 * What is happening that may cause Polar Bear extinction? * How many Polar Bears are left in the world? a. 40,000 b. 50,000 c. 25,000 d. 35,000 (Click on the picture for a amazing video)

5 * True or False: Polar Bears are very loud while they are hunting. * True or False: Polar Bears can go for a week without eating. (Click on the picture for a amazing video)

6 * How long does a Mother Polar Bear stay in her den during hibernation. * How many cubs does a Mother Polar Bear have? * When Mother Polar Bear emerges from her den, how long has it been since her last meal. * How do Polar Bears dry off? (Click on the picture for a amazing web site and videos)


8 * Click on the picture to test your Polar Bear knowledge

9 * olar_bears.html olar_bears.html * * omahas-wild-kingdom-an-uncertain-future.html omahas-wild-kingdom-an-uncertain-future.html * creaturefeature/polar-bear/ creaturefeature/polar-bear/ * ram&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1680&bih=806&tbm=isch&t bnid=whNLWTvZMmiB- M:&imgrefurl= phics/teaching_aids/hi_res_posters/&docid=uN7Uz wlMPrZa6M&imgurl=http://www.exploringnature.o rg/graphics/teaching_aids/hi_res_posters/bear_pol ar_color_diagram.jpg&w=2200&h=1700&ei=Mt7WTr 6JL8LGgAecwfyoAQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=473&vp y=320&dur=2227&hovh=197&hovw=255&tx=159&ty= 179&sig=113833983631731472295&page=1&tbnh=13 1&tbnw=173&start=0&ndsp=37&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0

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