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Atlin-Taku Land Use Plan Resource Chapters Update Presentation to Multiparty Workshop #6 Atlin Rec Centre, Nov 27-28, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Atlin-Taku Land Use Plan Resource Chapters Update Presentation to Multiparty Workshop #6 Atlin Rec Centre, Nov 27-28, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atlin-Taku Land Use Plan Resource Chapters Update Presentation to Multiparty Workshop #6 Atlin Rec Centre, Nov 27-28, 2009

2 2 Purpose Review status of each of the resource chapters Highlight key issues:  Emerging Agreement  Issues under Discussion Show linkages between chapters Help frame small group discussion today Key documents:  Atlin Taku Land Use Plan ‘Rolling Draft’, Nov 27, 2009  Management Direction: Compilation of Community and Stakeholder Input to the Atlin Taku Land Use Plan (handout)

3 3 Development & Status Chapters developed by the TWG as ‘drafts in progress’ Based on:  Stakeholder comments from previous workshops  TWG developed analysis and reports through this process  BC and TRTFN legislative, policy and planning context Status:  Draft ‘work in progress’ Some key issues yet to resolve Other areas substantive agreement (see editing convention)  Not endorsed by JLF or Parties at this stage, pending stakeholder and community input

4 4 Chapter Structure 7 Chapters  Access  Aquatic and Riparian Habitats  Biodiversity and Wildlife Habitat  Culture and Heritage  Forestry  Mineral Exploration and Development  Recreation and Tourism

5 5 Chapter Structure Each chapter contains:  Context  Management Issues  Goals  Objectives  Implementation Direction

6 6 Access General Themes: - Providing reasonable access for diverse uses/opportunities - Mitigating impacts of roaded access on other values - Maintaining approx current access conditions in Atlin East - Emphasizing lake-based access to Atlin West Issues Under Discussion: - Access opportunities and conditions in the Taku Watershed

7 7 Aquatic and Fish General Themes: - Strategies to avoid impacts to water quality, riparian and aquatic habitats - Possible reclamation of priority streams Issues Under Discussion: - ‘World-class’ management for salmon habitat and water quality - Salmon and Aquatic Conservation Areas (SACA) - How to address climate change - Water control structure on Atlin River

8 8 Biodiversity and Wildlife General Themes: - Maintain biodiversity and wildlife habitat through combination of ‘coarse’ filter (ecosystem) and ’fine’ filter (species) approaches - Fine filter focus on sheep, goats, woodland caribou, moose, grizzly bear, rare and sensitive ecosystems Issues Under Discussion: - Representation of ecosystems in protected area reserves - Addressing connectivity across landscapes

9 9 Culture and Heritage General Themes: - Sustaining Tlingit Khustiyxh (way of life) across the Plan Area - Identification and mapping of specific cultural areas & developing appropriate mgmt direction for these areas Issues Under Discussion: - Links to Tlatsini/land use zoning discussions

10 10 Forestry General Themes: - Providing ongoing opportunities for local forest sector - Establishing 2 zones: - Commercial Forest Harvest Zone (CFHZ) - selective, small block - No Commercial Forest Harvest Zone (NCFHZ) - Small volume, non-commercial harvesting for local needs permitted Issues Under Discussion: - None

11 11 Mineral Exploration and Development General Themes: - Access to the landbase to support viable sector - Mechanisms to avoid impacts to Tlingit khustiyxh and other values. Issues Under Discussion: - Extent of access to the landbase; links to Tlatsini/land use zoning discussions - Collaboration with sector to develop AT ‘sustainability’ standards

12 Recreation and Tourism General themes: ― ensure continued access ― promote environmentally and culturally responsible commercial and public recreation to minimize impacts Issues under discussion: ― Identification of areas which requiring more detailed management direction 12

13 13 Next Steps - Review of draft chapter material at this workshop - Review by TRTFN community through family and community meetings - Further refinement by TWG to resolves remaining issues under discussion - Compilation of updated ‘Rolling draft” in Jan 2010 for JLF review - Further stakeholder review of complete draft at next workshop.

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