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The Oceans & Waves Steve Terrill/Stock Market. I. SEAWATER Covers 71% of Earth’s surfaceCovers 71% of Earth’s surface Nature of seawaterNature of seawater.

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Presentation on theme: "The Oceans & Waves Steve Terrill/Stock Market. I. SEAWATER Covers 71% of Earth’s surfaceCovers 71% of Earth’s surface Nature of seawaterNature of seawater."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Oceans & Waves Steve Terrill/Stock Market

2 I. SEAWATER Covers 71% of Earth’s surfaceCovers 71% of Earth’s surface Nature of seawaterNature of seawater –35o/oo dissolved salts (30-38) –Varies from place to place Origin of seawaterOrigin of seawater –Volcanoes? –Comets? –Excess H + & O - ?

3 II.CURRENTS Ocean water moves constantly - sideways, up, down because it is: –Heated unevenly –Evaporated unevenly –Blown by wind –Affected by Earth’s rotation –Pulled by sun & moon different surface levels or different densitiesCurrents are the flow of water between areas of different surface levels or different densities

4 Surface ocean currents are run by climate & rotation

5 Density Currents Function ofFunction of –Temperature (polar regions) –Salinity (Mediterranean Sea) –Suspended materials (turbidities- flow of muddy water down a slope) Deep ocean currents move byDeep ocean currents move by –density & thermal differences – the Coriolis effect NADW, AABWNADW, AABW

6 Average surface salinity of the oceans

7 August sea-surface temperatures

8 Circulation of the Atlantic Ocean


10 Turbidity Currents


12 III. Tides Twice daily rise and fall of the sea caused by the gravitational attraction between earth and moon (lunar tides) earth and sun (solar tides) distance between and mass of Function of distance between and mass of the Earth, Moon and Sun


14 Interaction between lunar and solar tides during the lunar month causes: Neap tides: when two tidal components are out-of-phase, hence lower than usual, and Spring tides: when two tidal components are in-phase, hence higher than usual.

15 The highest and lowest tides occur due to the interaction of earth, moon, and sun

16 The effect of tides on a tidal inlet.

17 Exposed tidal flats Mont-Saint-Michel France Thierry Prat/Sygma

18 Terrace Exposed at Low Tide James Valentine

19 IV. WAVES Waves are described byWaves are described by –Wave length(L): distance between crests –Wave height (H) : vertical distance between crest and trough –Wave period (T): time for successive waves to pass a fixed point –Wave velocity (V) of waves (V = L/T) 2 kinds of waves2 kinds of waves –Deep water waves –Shallow water waves

20 Wind-generated Orbital Waves

21 Most waves are generated in the open ocean & height depends on: –Wind velocity –Wind duration –Distance over which wind blows called the FETCH, usually a big storm.

22 Shallow water waves At water depth of L/2, wave feels bottom. Then: Wave height Increases as Wave length decreases. Velocity decreases because wave is dragging on bottom. Period doesn’t change When wave reaches 1.3H -> BREAKER


24 Wave refraction Bending of wave crests as they approach the beach at an angle Caused by the change in velocity of waves as a function of water depth Only a small part of each wave feels bottom at a time so only a small part of wave slows.

25 Wave Refraction

26 Waves Bending as they Approach the Beach John S. Shelton

27 Sediment transport near shore, parallel to the beach Longshore driftLongshore drift: sediment carried by swash and backwash along the beach Longshore currentsLongshore currents: currents parallel to the beach within the surf zone

28 Longshore Drift


30 Refraction at Headlands and Bays

31 Carving a coast Waves & currents act the same as streams except work in both directions Erode - in high energy areas by –Abrasion –Solution –Wave pressure Deposit -in low energy areas

32 Sandy Beach, North Carolina Barrier Island Peter Kresan

33 Boulder Beach, Massachusetts Raymond Siever

34 Major parts of beaches OffshoreOffshore: from where the waves begin to feel bottom to the surf zone ForeshoreForeshore: includes the surf zone, tidal flats, and swash zone BackshoreBackshore: from beyond the swash zone to the highest level of the beach

35 Major Parts of a Beach

36 Sand Budget of a Beach

37 Factors determining rates of erosion or deposition Uplift Subsidence Rock type Sea-level changes Storm wave heights Tidal range

38 Erosional Coasts Region of up-lift - JOB IS TO STRAIGHTEN SHORELINE Prominent cliffs & headlands Narrow inlets, irregular bays & beaches Undercut cliffs –Sea stacks –Wave-cut terraces Falling sea level

39 Sea Stacks Kevin Schafer

40 Wave-cut Terrace Exposed at Low Tide John S. Shelton

41 Uplifted Coastal Terrace John S. Shelton

42 Depositional Coasts Sinking coasts Long, wide beaches –Bars –Spits –Barrier islands –Tidal flats & shallow lagoons Low-lying, sedimentary coastal plains Rising sea level - estuary


44 Southern Tip of Cape Cod Steve Durwell/The Image Bank

45 Partially Developed Barrier Island Gulf of Mexico Lagoon Mainland Florida Barrier Island Richard A. Davis, Jr

46 Effects of rising sea level: Eastern North America and Europe

47 VI. Preventing beach erosion StructuralStructural approaches (e.g., groins): typically cause increased erosion down current of structure Non-structuralNon-structural approaches (e.g., beach nourishment, land use planning): expensive, but don’t cause erosion in new areas

48 Groin: Built to Prevent Updrift Erosion Causes Downdrift Erosion Deposition Erosion Phillip Plissin/Explorer

49 Interrupting longshore currents

50 Beach Nourishment, New Jersey U.S. Corps of Engineers, New York District

51 From volcanic island to an atoll

52 Some of the Maldive Islands in the Pacific Atoll Fringing Reef Guido Alberto Rosi/The Image Bank

53 IX. Types of marine sediment TerrigenousTerrigenous material eroded from the continents BiochemicallyBiochemically precipitated shells of marine organisms AbioticAbiotic chemical precipitates ExtraterrestrialExtraterrestrial material

54 Oceanic Ooze Scripps Institute of Oceanography,University of California, San Diego

55 The END

56 Carbonate Compensation Depth Depth below which carbonate material dissolves in seawater

57 Origin of the lunar tides

58 Changes in Waves as they Approach the Beach

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