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September 17, Thursday NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) Proposal of Water Pollution Sources Management based.

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Presentation on theme: "September 17, Thursday NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) Proposal of Water Pollution Sources Management based."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 17, Thursday NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) Han-Kang( Proposal of Water Pollution Sources Management based on Open Source GIS

2 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research)Contents 1.Introduction 1)NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2)WEMS(Water Emission Management System) 3)Classified investigaion and Content 4)Why use Open Source GIS(QGIS) 2.Analysis Methods 1)Target Basin 2)Create&Use GIS Data 3)Data generated process 4)Analysis 5)Analysis Verification 3.Future Plan

3 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 1. Introduction 1) NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 3

4 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 1. Introduction 1) NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 4  Organization Department Name  Vision

5 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 1. Introduction 2) WEMS(Water Emission Management System) 5


7 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 1. Introduction 3) Investigation items and Content 7  Life-System Collection of basic data, Calculation using basic data  Livestock-System Processing Status investigaion by species and livestock farmers in farm based on Regulatory burden which is less than permit employments, types of reports and Found Cattle manure generated and data collection of processing status Data collection of livestock-related concessionaires Status  Industrial-system Investigaion based on operating waste water discharge sites of 1~5 type on the year Investigation for general satatus of wastewater discharge establishments Current management status of wastewater discharge establishments  Land-system Survey of land use area of the regal land category of 28 parts(Utilize data of the Ministry of Land)

8 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 1. Introduction 3) Classified investigaion and Content 8  Aquaculture-system Survey of Aquaculture facilities of other water pollution source and similar facilities General status data collection  Landfill-system The investigaion of landfill facilities that landfill leachate is discharged The current situation and operational status data collection  Current situation of environmental infrastructure The current situation and operational status data collection of public sewage treatment facilities, Wastewater treatment facilities, etc. The current situation and operational status data collection of excreta treatment facilities The current situation and operational status data collection of livestock treatment facilities  Current situation of other water pollution source Target : Country club, Transportation equipment maintenance or junkyard facilities, The simple processing of livestock and fisheries facilities, Film processing, X-ray facilities, workmanship facilities of jewellery shop, optical store

9 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 1. Introduction 4) Why use Open Source GIS(QGIS) 9  Investigation Data published (Book, Text, ETC)

10 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 1. Introduction 4) Why use Open Source GIS(QGIS) 10  Open Source GIS use for more accurate result of investigation  Eliminate the uncertainty of occupation areas through the spatial data construction of pollution sources Text, Excel Survey DataOpen Source GIS Software

11 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 1) Target Basin 11 TMS Korea daum satellite Area Custom EPSG 2097 Incheon and Gyeonggi-do

12 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 2) Create&Use GIS Data 12 LayerDataTypeRemark Life-system PopulationPoint/PolygonCreate Water and sewage usagePoint/PolygonCreate Livestock-systemPoint/PolygonCreate Industrial-systemPoint/PolygonCreate Land-systemPoint/PolygonCreate Aquaculture-systemPoint/PolygonCreate Landfill-systemPoint/PolygonCreate Current situation of environmental foundational facilitiesPoint/PolygonCreate Current situation of other water pollution sourcePoint/PolygonCreate Sewage areasPolygon Local Sewer pipe networkLine/Polygon Local BuildingPolygon Ministry of Land River(National/Local)Polygon Ministry of Land AreaPolygonMinistry of Land

13 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 3) Data generated process 13  STEP 1 : Collect GIS Data and WEMS basic data  STEP 2 : Edit GIS Data  STEP 3 : Create KEY Value Each region  STEP 4 : Edit WEMS basic data  STEP 5 : Create KEY Value of WEMS data  STEP 6 : Join GIS and WEMS data  STEP 7 : Create Result file

14 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 3) Data generated process 14 1.Region Layer Attribute table PNU Code verification 2.PNU Code Separation -> New Column Create, Data Insert  STEP 1 : Collect GIS Data and WEMS basic data  STEP 2 : Edit GIS Data  STEP 3 : Create KEY Value Each region  STEP 4 : Edit WEMS basic data  STEP 5 : Create KEY Value of WEMS data  STEP 6 : Join GIS and WEMS data  STEP 7 : Create Result file

15 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 3) Data generated process 15 1.Region Layer Attribute table PNU Code verification 2.PNU Code Separation -> New Column Create, Data Insert 3.Create KEY Value and Verification  STEP 1 : Collect GIS Data and WEMS basic data  STEP 2 : Edit GIS Data  STEP 3 : Create KEY Value Each region  STEP 4 : Edit WEMS basic data  STEP 5 : Create KEY Value of WEMS data  STEP 6 : Join GIS and WEMS data  STEP 7 : Create Result file

16 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 3) Data generated process 16 1.Edit WEMS data 2.Delete unneeded columns  STEP 1 : Collect GIS Data and WEMS basic data  STEP 2 : Edit GIS Data  STEP 3 : Create KEY Value Each region  STEP 4 : Edit WEMS basic data  STEP 5 : Create KEY Value of WEMS data  STEP 6 : Join GIS and WEMS data  STEP 7 : Create Result file

17 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 3) Data generated process 17 1.Using CONCATENA Fuction – Create KEY Value  ‘=CONCARENATE(‘ 행정구역코드 ’-’ 본번 ’-’ 부번 ’)  Ex) 서울 종로구 내자동 167-2 : ‘1111011100-167-2’  STEP 1 : Collect GIS Data and WEMS basic data  STEP 2 : Edit GIS Data  STEP 3 : Create KEY Value Each region  STEP 4 : Edit WEMS basic data  STEP 5 : Create KEY Value of WEMS data  STEP 6 : Join GIS and WEMS data  STEP 7 : Create Result file

18 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 3) Data generated process 18 1.Using QGIS Analysis “Join Function” 2.GIS Data and WEMS data JOIN  STEP 1 : Collect GIS Data and WEMS basic data  STEP 2 : Edit GIS Data  STEP 3 : Create KEY Value Each region  STEP 4 : Edit WEMS basic data  STEP 5 : Create KEY Value of WEMS data  STEP 6 : Join GIS and WEMS data  STEP 7 : Create Result file

19 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 3) Data generated process 19 1.Save New Layer 2.Create WEMS Layer  STEP 1 : Collect GIS Data and WEMS basic data  STEP 2 : Edit GIS Data  STEP 3 : Create KEY Value Each region  STEP 4 : Edit WEMS basic data  STEP 5 : Create KEY Value of WEMS data  STEP 6 : STEP 6 : Join GIS and WEMS data  STEP 7 : Create Result file

20 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 4) Analysis (Urban Area/Suburban Area) 20 Using ‘Clip’ Methods -Input layer: land use area of the regal land category of 28 parts(Land value) feature Select -Clip layer: Code : housing, Commerce, Industry feature Select Target Area Urban Area LEGEND

21 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 4) Analysis ( Sewage treatment areas Layer ) 21 A layer: C layer Sewer pipe network Buffer distance 50m B layer: Research tools → Select by location Use - Select feature: C layer - Intersect feature: A layer Sewer within 50m Area Meet local sewer within 50m Target Area ☞ B layer : final target area Define A B C LEGEND

22 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 4) Analysis (Life-system : Population) 22 B layer: Geoprocessing tools → Clip Select - Input: Population layer - Clip: Sewage Area layer C layer: Geoprocessing tools → Difference Select A: B: C: Urban Area Sewage Area - Pop Non-Sewage Area - Pop LEGEND

23 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 23 A: B: C: Urban Area Sewage Area - WU Non-Sewage Area - WU B layer: Geoprocessing tools → Clip Select - Input: Water Use layer - Clip: Sewage Area layer C layer: Geoprocessing tools → Difference Select 2. Analysis Methods 4) Analysis (Life-system : Water Use) LEGEND

24 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 4) Analysis (Livestock and Industrial-system, Environmental infrastructure) 24 Sewage Area Current situation of Environmental infrastructure Livestock-system Industrial-system LEGEND Target Area

25 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 4) Analysis (Land-system) 25 ETC Paddy field Acre field Forest land Building site LEGEND

26 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 5) Analysis Verification 26  Verify error data Industrial-system Life-system Same address

27 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 2. Analysis Methods 5) Analysis Verification 27  Verify error data Error data Sewage Area

28 Han-Kang( NIER(National Institute of Environmental Research) 3. Future Plan 1)Using WEMS Data Analysis Development 2)Development of analysis process 3)How to build a simplified GIS Data 4)QGIS often used 5)Analysis Plug-in Development 28

29 감사합니다. Thank you E-mail

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