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Colliding Cultures: Native Americans & Europeans How do these two worlds collide? Why do Europeans win out? How do these two worlds collide? Why do Europeans.

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Presentation on theme: "Colliding Cultures: Native Americans & Europeans How do these two worlds collide? Why do Europeans win out? How do these two worlds collide? Why do Europeans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colliding Cultures: Native Americans & Europeans How do these two worlds collide? Why do Europeans win out? How do these two worlds collide? Why do Europeans win out?

2 Unit 1:Establishing the “New World” (Pre-Columbus-1763) Unit Questions: Is European dominance in North America inevitable? Why do the British get to define American culture? How does life compare among the original colonies?

3 Native American Cultures Southwest - Plains - Hopewell - Eastern Woodlands

4 Native American Cultures Southwest - Plains - Hopewell - Eastern Woodlands

5 Native American Cultures Southwest - Plains - Hopewell - Eastern Woodlands

6 Native American Cultures Southwest - Plains - Hopewell - Eastern Woodlands

7 Native American Cultures Southwest - Plains - Hopewell - Eastern Woodlands

8 European Exploration: A Perfect Storm Science & Technology Government Economy

9 European Exploration: A Perfect Storm Science & Technology Government Economy

10 European Exploration: A Perfect Storm Science & Technology Government Economy

11 European Exploration: A Perfect Storm Science & Technology Government Economy

12 Spanish Exploration Motives Explorers Columbus Cortes Pizarro De Soto

13 Spanish Exploration Motives Explorers Columbus Cortés Pizarro De Soto

14 French exploration Motives Explorers Cartier Champlain Joliett & Marquette Robert de la Salle

15 French exploration Motives Explorers Cartier Champlain Joliett & Marquette Robert de la Salle

16 English Exploration Motives Explorers Cabot Raleigh

17 ENGLISH EXPLORATION Motives Explorers Cabot Raleigh

18 Dutch exploration Motives Henry Hudson

19 Dutch exploration Motives Henry Hudson

20 Document Analysis Read the set of documents that describes the interaction of each European culture with the Native Americans and consider this question: How did Europeans perceive and interact with the Native American cultures they encountered? Spanish Documents: #1 de las Casas & #3 Jesuit Missionary French Documents: #4 Champlain British Document: #5 Raleigh & #6 Plymouth For each set of documents, identify 3-5 pieces of information that these documents tell or suggest about the European perceptions and/or interactions with Native Americans?

21 Discussion How do interactions with the Native Americans and the different European groups compare? Why are the Europeans able to dominate or subjugate the Native Americans? How important was it for Europeans to have “good” relations with Native Americans?

22 European Dominance Spanish French British Overall: Columbian Exchange Altered Environment Population Devastation

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