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Presentation on theme: "DANA HOGAN THEREASA STEWART DALLAS DOOLEY Small Business Plan."— Presentation transcript:


2 DTD Primary and Urgent Care Clinic Because your healthcare needs don’t always happen between 9am and 5pm

3 Executive Summary Purpose  Develop a business plan for the development of a new primary care/urgent care clinic in Atchison Kansas and the surrounding areas

4 Executive Summary Analysis  Market Analysis conducted using online information and personal interviews to determine gap in provider coverage  There is only one private practitioner in Atchison, all other were associated with the medical clinic that is part of the Atchison Hospital.  Besides the Atchison Hospital, there are no clinics open past 7pm  Combined population of roughly 15,000 people  2007 report showed that 75% of ER visits from the Atchison community were for non-emergent care needs delivered to people younger than 21 years of age  Benadictine has 1502 student  North Kansas Tech Center has 368  Top two diagnoses in the ER are acute pharyngitis and unspecified otitis media


6 Business Description DTD Primary and Urgent Care Clinic LLC  Located in Atchison, Ks


8 DTD Primary and Urgent Care Clinic  Owned by D. Dooley FNP, T. Stewart FNP, D. Hogan FNP  Consulting Physician Dr. Ann Sokalsaki  Will develop and annually review protocols  Will NOT see patient’s in DTD Clinic  Primary Care Clinic with Urgent Care  Extended evening hours for Urgent Care needs  People of all ages will be able to be seen in the clinic  Office hours will be Monday-Sunday 7am-Midnight  With Holiday hours being 9am-7pm

9 DTD Primary and Urgent Care Clinic DTD Primary Care and Urgent Care Clinic  4 Bed Unit Operating for PCP and UC Needs  7am- 5pm : 3 PCP Beds & 1 UC Bed  5pm-Midnight: 4 UC Beds With a large radiology and procedures room available for all patients Lease Information

10 Financial Plan Building Rent  $1800 /month, with the 1 st six months free  Build out will cost varies


12 Market Plan


14 DTD Primary and Urgent Care Clinic List of Services  Primary Care  Urgent Care  Minor Emergency Care  Treat minor illnesses  Immunizations  Medical Screens and Physicals  Well Child Checks  Education and Health Maintenance  Well Women/Well Men Exam

15 DTD Primary and Urgent Care Clinic Staffing:  Nurse Practitioners  3 Full time (40-60 hrs./wk.)  LPN  2 Full time (40hrs/wk.)  2 Part time (16 hrs./wk.)  Office Staff  3 Full Time (40 hrs./wk.)

16 PP 01/01/12 thru 01/07/12SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1/1/20121/2/20121/3/20121/4/20121/5/20121/6/20121/7/2012 Provider Dallas Dooley, ARNPAM PM Dana Hogan, ARNPAM Thereasa Stewart, ARNP *PM Nursing staff Sally Smith, LPN0700-1530 Paula Jones, LPN *0700-1530 Tyler Anderson, LPN1530-2400 Jamie Jennson, LPN1530-2400 Office staff Joyce Miller0700-1530 Glen Johnson1530-2400 Stacey Erikson1530-24000700-1530 1530-2400 PRN staff Christine Walker, LPN Sharity Perry, LPN Josh Freebird, LPN On-Call staff *

17 Our Goal Improve medical care to people of the Atchison community Provide Primary Care medical support Provide Urgent Care Clinic, with extended hours until Midnight 7 days a week Provide options to the people of Atchison Decrease the demand placed on the Emergency Department, and in turn decrease the time patient’s have to wait in the ER waiting rooms. Addition of Radiology and Talyst Med Dispensing Unit within 3 years

18 Market Analysis Target Market:  Primary Care and Urgent Care needs  Serve the community of Atchison and the surrounding communities within a 40-50 mile radius  Provide extended hours for Urgent Care needs, along with a full 8 hour day of Primary Care Clinic open daily  Extended hours will provide more options to Atchison citizens

19 Market Analysis Competition  Dr. Tayiem  Private Sector with 6 years of service  Atchison County Hospital  25 in-patient beds, 9 bed ER, 4 bed ICU  Atchison Community Health Department  Open 3 hours a day 5pm-8pm  Atchison County Health Clinic

20 Market Analysis Strengths of DTD Primary Care and Urgent Care  Location- Highly traveled road  Longer Hours  Weekends, Nights and Holidays  New Graduates, new technology, fresh ideas  Cheaper than the ER  Various backgrounds of experience Weakness of DTD Primary Care and Urgent Care  Lack of connection to the community  Building business with no clientele  New Graduates- lack of experience  No reputation in the community

21 Market Analysis Environment  Factors to affect our services  Healthcare reform  Economic trends  Atchison citizen’s money to spend on healthcare  Unemployment rates of Atchison community  Legal Aspects  Ability for the ARNP to practice solo  Malpractice  Lawsuits/Liability

22 Marketing Plan Description  As discussed earlier in the PPT Comparison  Experienced new graduate Nurse Practitioner with knowledge in modern technology  Open longer than any other clinic in town, besides the ER  Provide Primary Care along with Urgent Care to our clientele  Immediate Medication Dispensing

23 Market Plan Disadvantages to DTD  Lack of Radiology Services  Lack of Specialty Affiliation (Ortho, OB, Oncology)  Limited rooms due to size constraints  Lack of connection with the community

24 Market Plan Image  Provide affordable healthcare to the people of Atchison  Strive to run a customer-oriented business, and provide our clients the highest level of care possible  Convenience to the clients  Easily accessible to the public  Open door policy

25 Market Plan Pricing  30% on medical supplies such as dressings, splints etc  DME that is obtained through the clinic will have a mark up for 45% this will provide the additional resources for application, education and continued follow up through the acclamation/adjustment phase  After hour services (after 6 pm) these will be at a 5% higher rate than normal office visit fees.

26 Promotion Types of Advertisement  Newspaper  Radio  Yellow Pages  Internet Site  Billboards  Mail Flyers

27 Advertisement and Promotion Ability to meet and exceed the healthcare needs of the Atchison Community Open “after hours” to care for your healthcare needs Safe and Dependable Healthcare Ability to provide healthcare services to all ages

28 Finances Start Up Costs  Please Refer to Your Hand Out Statement of Cash Flows  Please Refer to Your Hand Out Income Statement  Please Refer to Your Hand Out



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