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Today’s Goal: Identify the course goals and their significance to you Today is: monday, Aug. 31, 2015 1.Please come in and get out your Group Origin Myth.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Goal: Identify the course goals and their significance to you Today is: monday, Aug. 31, 2015 1.Please come in and get out your Group Origin Myth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Goal: Identify the course goals and their significance to you Today is: monday, Aug. 31, 2015 1.Please come in and get out your Group Origin Myth brainstorming Plot Map, assignment directions, and rough draft from Friday. 2.Use your class time today to finish drafting your skit so you’re ready to present it to the class tomorrow! Today’s Goal: To learn about the writing style of the Native American culture in early American writing Due today: None! Fun fact of the day: An ant has five noses. Out of Class: Be ready for your group to present your skit TOMORROW!

2 Characteristics of a Native American Origin Myth: 1.) Passed on through oral tradition 2.) Reflects the culture with cultural details and references to objects, nature, and events that show how the people of that culture live, think, and worship 3.) Recount origins of life and the natural world 4.) Contain characters like gods and spirits 5.) Personify animals 6.) Traditional beginnings Ex. - “Once Upon a Time …” - “Long ago …” - “Before there was Earth …” 7.) Repetition of lines, descriptions, or thoughts 8.) Surprises and twists 9.) Beginning, middle, and end 10.) Suspense to grab interest

3 Today’s Goal: Identify the course goals and their significance to you Today is: tuesday, sept. 1, 2015 1.Please come in and get out your Group Origin Myth Plot Map and rough draft. 2.You’ll have ten minutes as a group to make sure you are completely prepared to present to the class. Today’s Goal: To learn about the writing style of the Native American culture in early American writing Due today: Group Origin Myth Skit Fun fact of the day: A cave man’s life span was only 18 years. Out of Class: None!

4 Today’s Goal: Identify the course goals and their significance to you Today is: Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2015 1.Please come in and get out your “Song of the Sky Loom” poem text and TPCASTT Chart from yesterday. You’ll also need out a writing utensil. Today’s Goal: To learn about the writing style of the Native American culture in early American writing Due today: None! Fun fact of the day: New Mexico is the only US state with two official languages – English and Spanish. Out of Class: Finish TPCASTTs

5 Today’s Goal: Identify the course goals and their significance to you Today is: THURsday, sept. 3, 2015 1.Please come in and get out your homework from last night. 2.Make sure your name is on your poem annotations and TPCASTT chart; staple them together, and turn them in to your hour’s bin. 3.Grab a literature book and turn to pg. 52. Today’s Goal: To learn about the writing style of the Native American culture in early American writing Due today: “Song of Sky Loom” and “Hunting Song” TPCASTT charts Fun fact of the day: An armadillo can be trained to be housebroken. Out of Class: None – SIFTT Chart due to your bin by the end of class!

6 Today’s Goal: Identify the course goals and their significance to you Today is: Friday, sept. 4, 2015 1.Please come in and get out a writing utensil. 2.If for some reason you did not turn in your SIFTT chart from yesterday’s reading, make sure your name is on it and turn it in to your hour’s bin. Today’s Goal: To learn about the writing style of the Puritan culture in early American writing Due today: NONE! Fun fact of the day: In China, the day a child is born it is considered one year old. Out of Class: NONE – Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

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