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COMPUTER HARDWARE Made By Anila Bhatti DA Public School (O&A Levels) - Seaview 1.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPUTER HARDWARE Made By Anila Bhatti DA Public School (O&A Levels) - Seaview 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPUTER HARDWARE Made By Anila Bhatti DA Public School (O&A Levels) - Seaview 1

2 2 Learning outcomes By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define what is Computer Hardware. Understand the hardware of Modern personal computer. Understand about: ▫CPU or Microprocessor ▫Memory ▫Storage devices ▫Input devices ▫output devices

3 What is Computer Hardware? 3

4 Computer Hardware All the elements that go together to make up a PC fall into one of two categories, hardware or software. This section is about hardware, the stuff upon which software runs. One of the definitions of 'hardware' according to Webster's dictionary is 'major items of equipment or their components used for a particular purpose'. 4 Everything you can see and touch in your PC is hardware.

5 Hardware of a modern personal computer 5

6 Computer Hardware Central Processing Unit - also called “The Chip”, a CPU, a processor, or a microprocessor Memory (RAM) Storage Devices Input Devices Output Devices 6

7 Computer Hardware Central Processing Unit - also called “The Chip”, a CPU, a processor or a microprocessor Memory (RAM) Storage Devices Input Devices Output Devices 7

8 Computer Hardware Central Processing Unit - also called “The Chip”, a CPU, a processor or a microprocessor Memory (RAM) Storage Devices Input Devices Output Devices 8

9 CPU Types CPU or microprocessor is often described as the brain of a computer. CPU is an integrated circuit or “chip” which processes instructions and data. CPU types. ▫Intel Pentium II, III, IV ▫Intel Celeron ▫AMD Athlon

10 Memory (RAM) RAM or Random Access Memory “Waiting room” for computer’s CPU. Holds instructions for processing data, processed data, and raw data. 10

11 Memory (RAM) Ram is measured by: ▫Capacity (in Megabytes or Gigabytes) ▫Speed (in Nanoseconds) Amount of RAM installed will determine. ▫Which software applications will run (efficiently)? ▫How many software applications can be open simultaneously (multitasking ability)? RAM upgrades are cost-effective and easy to install. 11

12 Storage Technology Electronic devices that store, retrieve, and save instructions and data. Today’s microcomputers or PCs include several types of storage devices. Capacity and speed are important considerations when selecting a new storage device for a PC. 12

13 Storage Technology Magnetic storage devices store data by magnetizing particles on a disk or tape. They have a limited life-span of 1 to 5 years, depending on the device. Optical storage devices store data as light and dark spots on the disk surface. They have an unlimited life- span. 13

14 Storage Devices Hard Disk Drives Capacity is measured in gigabytes (GB or billions of bytes). Typically permanently installed. Used to store operating system, application software, utilities and data. Magnetic storage device. 14

15 Storage Devices Floppy Disk Drives Capacity is 1.44 to 2.0 megabytes (MB or millions of bytes). ▫Storage device with the smallest capacity ▫Most portable storage media Magnetic storage device. 15

16 Storage Devices CD / DVD Drives Typically installed on all new computer systems. (Were add-on device until the mid 1990’s). Capacity is 600 to 750 megabytes (MB or millions of bytes). Most mass-produced commercial software is packaged on a CD. 16

17 Storage Devices CD/DVD Drives Used more often now for backup storage as CD-RW (read/write) technology has become less expensive. Data is read from CD by a laser. Optical storage device. 17

18 Storage Devices Other Types of Drives Zip Drives – Several different capacities are available. Tape Drives – Generally used for system backups, becoming less common. DVD drives – Can also read CDs, now more common as a standard device on new computer systems. 18

19 Input Devices  Input is all information put into a computer. Input can be supplied from a variety of sources:  A person  A storage device on computer  Another computer  A peripheral device  Another piece of equipment, such as a musical instrument or thermometer 19

20 Input Devices  Input devices gather and translate data into a form the computer understands.  Primary input device:  Keyboard - Most common input device; used to type in commands and data.  Mouse or trackball enhances user’s ability to input commands, manipulate text, images.  Joystick useful in education as an adaptive or assistive input device. 20

21 Input Devices Scanners are peripheral input devices which allow users to import:  Text  Graphics  Images Specialized software aids in translating information into a format the computer can understand and manipulate. 21

22 Input Devices Digital Cameras are peripheral input devices that allow users to create pictures and/or movies in a digital format. ▫Some require specialized software to import images into the computer. ▫Some record digital images directly to a disk that can be read by the computer. 22

23 Output Devices  Monitors are the most commonly used output device.  Most monitors use a bitmap display.  Allows user to resize the display.  Divides the screen into a matrix of tiny square “dots” called pixels.  The more “dots” a screen can display, the higher the resolution of the monitor. 23

24 Output Devices Monitors are connected to a computer system via a port integrated on the video adapter or graphics card. Graphics cards convert digital data output from software to analog data for display on monitors. Typically have additional memory chips on card, 4MB to 64MB. 24

25 Output Devices Printers Dot matrix ▫Seldom used in a classroom. ▫Still frequently used in business. Bubble or ink jet Laser 25

26 Output Devices Projection systems or classroom TVs can display information from a computer system on a larger screen for whole-class instruction. 26

27 What is Computer Hardware? Now you must be able to answer the question............. 27

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