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Privilege, Fairness and Activism Is “fair” equal to “the same”? How do you know what is fair? Explain in your notes…

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Presentation on theme: "Privilege, Fairness and Activism Is “fair” equal to “the same”? How do you know what is fair? Explain in your notes…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Privilege, Fairness and Activism Is “fair” equal to “the same”? How do you know what is fair? Explain in your notes…

2 Privilege Earned Privilege  Is given to us because of something we have done ;  Earning a spot on the Honour Roll  Being nominated Captain of our team Unearned Privilege  Happens because of something that we are  Based on gender, social class, physical ability, etc Is a special benefit or advantage that is given only to certain people or groups

3 LIVING WITH DISABILITY What do you think are some consequences of being in a wheelchair that most people wouldn’t even recognize?

4  Fairness is treating people without favouritism or discrimination  People in power create systems that will keep them in power; people with privilege work to keep themselves privileged FAIRNESS How does power, privilege and fairness interact?

5 QUESTIONS  Is it fair that Government ministries give preference to hiring members of visible minorities, people with disabilities, and women?  Is it fair that females in Africa are targeted for special aid programs?

6 What Are the Consequences of Inaction?

7 Activism Can Make a Difference  Activism means taking action to bring about social or political change  There are many ways in which we can do this:  Donate  Educate  Communicate  Agitate

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