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Chapter 2 Presentation 2 Circular Flow Model. “The Invisible Hand” 1776 book “The Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith -private industries seeking to further.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Presentation 2 Circular Flow Model. “The Invisible Hand” 1776 book “The Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith -private industries seeking to further."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Presentation 2 Circular Flow Model

2 “The Invisible Hand” 1776 book “The Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith -private industries seeking to further their own interest will simultaneously, as if guided by an invisible hand, promote social/public interest

3 Invisible Hand Example Businesses use the least costly combination of resources to maximize profits Uses the least amount of scarce resources which “frees up” resources

4 Profits Total Revenue (TR) – Total Cost (TC) Total cost can include both explicit (money paid to gain resources) and implicit costs (what a resource could have earned through an alternative cost Implicit Cost Ex- renting out a building instead of using it

5 Circular Flow Diagram Resource/ Factor Market Product Market BusinessesHouseholds Both Flows Are Equal Govt Goods/services Taxes Goods/services

6 Resource/Factor Market The place where resources or the services of resource suppliers are bought and sold Resources are natural, human, or manufactured items that help produce goods and services Households (people) own all economic resources directly as workers/entrepreneurs or indirectly through their ownership of corporations

7 Resource Market Contd. The funds that businesses pay for resources are costs to them but flow to individuals as wage, rent, interest and profit Resources flow from households to businesses and money flows from businesses to households

8 Product Market The place where goods and services produced by businesses are bought and sold Businesses combine resources to produce and sell G/S and households use their income used from the sale of resources to buy goods and services

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