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Leaders During Renaissance Answers. Martin Luther’s Religious Ideas  People won salvation through faith in God.  All church teachings should be based.

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Presentation on theme: "Leaders During Renaissance Answers. Martin Luther’s Religious Ideas  People won salvation through faith in God.  All church teachings should be based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaders During Renaissance Answers

2 Martin Luther’s Religious Ideas  People won salvation through faith in God.  All church teachings should be based on the bible.  All people are equal in faith in the eyes of God.

3 Luther’s Changes and Controversy  Luther posted his 95 theses on the door at Wittenberg Castle. Challenged many church actions such as sale of indulgences.  June 15, 1520 Luther called to appear before a council in Worms to assess his fate (Diet of Worms).  He was ordered to recant (take back) his statements. He refused, so was exiled.  He hid from April 1521-March 1522.

4 Luther’s Impact  Translated the New Testament of the Bible into German so that all could read it.  Started the Reformation and created the split between Catholic and Protestant churches.  People questioned the ideas and teachings of the Church.

5 Catholic Church Religious Ideas  Indulgences :Pardons issued by the church which people paid for as a way to “buy” less time in purgatory.  Corrupt practice and were used by the church to make money and manipulate people.  Believed that clergy had more power and worth than other members of church.  God is vengeful and will smite those who sin.

6 Catholic Church Controversy  Indulgences - Can’t people achieve salvation just through Faith?  Corruptness of clergy and greediness of church.

7 Catholic Church Impact  For years had been source of strength and guidance for people. Now they are questioning the teachings and practices of the Church.

8 Henry VIII Religious Ideas  Opposed to Luther’s Reformation. Given the title “Defender of Faith” by the Pope.  Convinces Parliament to declare the King to have Supreme Authority over all affairs (religious or secular).  Creates the Church of England which is similar but allows for divorce and King is leader.  Executed all who did not agree

9 Henry’s History  Married Catherine of Aragon  Daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella  was married to his older brother Arthur  Gave him one daughter - Mary  Controversial because she was married to his brother.  1527 he wanted to marry Anne Boleyn but church won’t allow divorce.  Creates the Church of England and allows his own divorce.

10 History Cont.  Anne Boleyn Gave him Princess Elizabeth and then had 2 miscarriages 1 of which was a boy.  Was executed with brother on charges of adultery  Betrothed to Jane Seymour within 24 hours of Anne’s Execution  Jane had son Edward and she died 2 weeks later  Anne of Cleves married for 7 months “misfit”  Kathryn Howard cousin to Anne Boleyn young and vivacious. Executed for infidelity  Katherine Parr last wife. Henry died, she married Jane Seymour’s brother and died shortly after childbirth

11 Henry VIII Changes  Created the Church of England to suite his own needs.  Shows how during this time many are rebelling against the church and trying to create their own religion.

12 Henry VIII Impact  Goes down in history as being vicious and mean because he had so many wives and killed/divorced them because wanted to have a son.  Creates the Church of England which still exists today.

13 Mary I Religious Beliefs  Takes the thrown after brother Edward dies.  Became King at 10, very ill and sick. King protected him. Died at 15.  She was a devout Catholic like her parents (Ferdinand and Isabella)  She wanted to end Luther’s Reformation and wanted to keep England as a Catholic country.

14 Mary’s Changes  Restored the Catholic Church by returning the power of the church to the Pope.  Executed Protestants who spoke out against the church or her rule.  Imprisoned her sister Elizabeth for sticking up for Protestants.

15 Mary’s Impact  People hate her.  Called “Bloody Mary” because of all of the Protestants that she executed during her rule.

16 Elizabeth’s Religious Ideas  She was a protestant but was more tolerant of all religious ideas.  Wanted to create a church where all could get along and agree.

17 Elizabeth’s Changes  Created the Church of England or Anglican Church where she was the head.  To please Protestants priests could marry and mass was in English.  To please Catholics they kept some of the traditions such as robes and parts of the mass.

18 Elizabeth’s Impact  Brought religious peace to England.  Rule known as Elizabethan Era. She focused on developments in arts, literature, etc.  Never married  Saw how dad treated his wives.  Used her power to play suitors to her favor and make alliances.

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