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What’s The Cost? How much?  Refer to your home work :  What other costs are there?  How much does that come to per month?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s The Cost? How much?  Refer to your home work :  What other costs are there?  How much does that come to per month?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What’s The Cost?

3 How much?  Refer to your home work :  What other costs are there?  How much does that come to per month?

4 Altogether Use the average yearly utilities to calculate your monthly utility bill.

5 Not another Tax!  In order to pay for services such as refuse collection, library services and pavements you have to pay Council Tax.  The amount you pay is decided by the value of the property you live in. Your house will be allocated a band.

6  Use the council tax band table to find the cost of your council tax.

7 Adding it up Combine this with your council tax bill to form your household bills and complete the household section of your personal budget.

8 What is the cost?  Use the sheet to calculate the real cost of your property over 25 years or the total rent you will have paid in twenty five years.  Fill in the utilities cost  Find the total.



11 Homework  Find the cost of public transport train, bus, underground if appropriate.  Look at the car sales board and note down the details of any cars that you feel are appropriate.

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