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DO NOW  Is religion the cause of the world’s problems or is it the people of the world?

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW  Is religion the cause of the world’s problems or is it the people of the world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW  Is religion the cause of the world’s problems or is it the people of the world?

2 Greek GodRoman GodRole AresMarsGod of war ZeusJupiterChief god HeraJunoWife of chief god AphroditeVenusGoddess of love ArtemisDianaGoddess of the hunt AthenaMinervaGoddess of wisdom HermesMercuryMessenger god HadesPlutoGod of the underworld PoseidonNeptuneGod of the sea HephaestusVulcanGod of fire

3  Rome tolerated diverse religions.  Jewish religion allowed under a procurator in Judaea.  Jesus given to Romans by Jews as a potential revolutionary.  Procurator Pontius Pilate decides to allow Jews to decide if Jesus or murder freed or killed.

4  Apostles: Peter (Leader), Paul (Highly educated converted non-Jews)  Between 40 CE-100 CE apostles wrote the New Testament.

5  Christian refusal to worship state gods and emperors was treason.  Nero (54-68 CE)  Separation of Powers  Clergy: Church leaders  Laity: regular members  Why Christianity flourished  Personal & eternal life  Familiar  Belonging

6  Last great persecution was by Emperor Diocletian in 4 th century.  “Christianity was too strong to be blotted out by force.”  Constantine becomes first Christian emperor.  Baptized in 313 CE  Theodosius the Great  Romans adopted Christianity as their official religion

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