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The Orange Order in the Twentieth Century: A Comparative Perspective.

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1 The Orange Order in the Twentieth Century: A Comparative Perspective

2 The Orange Order Formed 1795 in Northern Ireland Stands for loyalty to British Crown & Protestantism Associative cornerstone of British dominant ethnicity in Canada, N.I. Britannic ethno-nationalist Rapidly spread internationally, 1800-1820


4 Lord Nelson Loyal Orange Lodge #149 in Woody Point, Bonne Bay, St. Barbe

5 Main Research Questions What factors cause per capita Orange membership strength to rise and fall over time and across place? (social question) How effective is the Orange Order in determining policy change, and why does its power rise and fall over time and place? (political question)

6 Research Methodology Quantitative: Compare Orange membership among Protestants with variables from census, police reports, history, polls. Over time and across county and ‘province’ (N.I., Scotland, Nfld., Ontario) Qualitative: Compare Orange resolutions and organised political activity over time and place. Look at class profile of elite and membership over time. Interviews. Sources: Previously unseen internal documents; census, polls, violence stats, valuation rolls, some newspapers


8 Concentrated in Ontario, NB & Nfld, but strength Nationwide


10 International Orange Strength Newfoundland the strongest Orange jurisdiction, similar to Ulster border counties Belfast area and Ontario similar WC Scotland and NW England much weaker





15 20th c. International Orange Membership Trends Explosive growth in the 1900-1920 period in all locales, especially Ontario and Newfoundland Ontario declines first, 1920 Newfoundland and Northern Ireland decline after 1960, though faster in NF Scotland declines from 1982, but from smaller base

16 Orange Order Lodges & Density 1991

17 Male Orange Density, N.I., 1971

18 N.I. Counties, by Protestant Percentage, 1971


20 Roman Catholic Percentage, Scottish Counties, 1961

21 Male Orange Density Scotland, 1961


23 Male Orange Lodges, Southern Ontario, c. 1975



26 Orange Lodges (adjusted by size) Newfoundland, 1908 & 1961


28 Orange Order Density 1991


30 Membership Changes in Time Unemployment a factor in N.I. Events an intermediate factor but not critical 'Social capital' appears key in post-1960 period

31 Disaffected Youth?: Opting Out of Orangeism, the UUP and the Agreement

32 The Order and Politics Everywhere had a political function as a pressure group, yet a rooted one Similar to other political fraternities (i.e. BJP-RSS; Broederbond-National Party; St Jean Baptiste-PQ) Good training for democratic politics for working-class people. Punched above its weight In N.I., almost all Official Unionist MPs (bar 3) until 1972. 50% of UUC in 2003 Outside N.I., Order's supply of political figures proportional to membership. Strongest in NFLD, then ONT, Scotland least

33 Importance of Party System NI: ethnic parties, main cleavage is ethno- religious. No votes to be won from other side Horowitz: Competition is within-bloc for who best represents ethnic interest. Encourages 'outflanking' militancy Ontario, Scotland, Newfoundland: cross- cutting cleavages. More votes to be had in the middle than on the flanks since fringe parties cannot easily form and have no choice

34 Cross-Cutting Cleavages Scotland: class (i.e. 'Red' Clydeside) and liberal-tory ideology cross-cut ethno- religious divide Ontario: region (SW, Central, NE) and ideology (Grit, Tory) cross-cut religion Newfoundland: pro/anti-Confederate, region (outports v St Johns) cuts across Protestant/Catholic

35 The Order and Policy Influence 'Orange' candidates get nominated and often elected Fail to enact policy outside NI Sir John Gilmour and Irish immigration issue, 1920s Canada: 'Orange-Green-Bleu' Coalition, 1830s-70s Ontario: Leslie Frost and separate schools, c.1960 Newfoundland: 'No amalgamation' pledge abandoned by Reform Party, 1885 NI exception: Order gets 3 leaders sacked, 1969-74. Plays role in decline of Trimble, 2003

36 Conclusion Membership over place: Cultural Factors (Irish- Prot. ethnicity, Catholic challenge) most important, economic least, events in middle Membership over time: events, culture, economy play some role; 'social capital' decline key post- 1960 Power & Influence: related to membership size and the nature of the political system. Strongest in NI by far

37 Lord Nelson Loyal Orange Lodge #149 in Woody Point, Bonne Bay, St. Barbe (link 1)


39 Traditionalists (Orange & Other), Co. Tyrone

40 Orange Skeptics & Liberal Civics (East Belfast)

41 Newfoundland Orange Lodges (adjusted by size), 1908

42 Church of Ireland Protestants, N.I. Counties, 1971

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