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By: Sara Neilson Forum 2. GOAL 1 Albany Plan of Union A plan purposed by, Benjamin Franklin that called for a stable union among colonies under one government.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Sara Neilson Forum 2. GOAL 1 Albany Plan of Union A plan purposed by, Benjamin Franklin that called for a stable union among colonies under one government."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Sara Neilson Forum 2

2 GOAL 1

3 Albany Plan of Union A plan purposed by, Benjamin Franklin that called for a stable union among colonies under one government.

4 Committees of Correspondence Colonial groups that were directly organized to resist the Crown.

5 Egalitarianism The idea that all men are equal and entitled to “natural rights” because they are humans.

6 Eminent Domain The governments ability to take private property for public usage.

7 Factions A group of people that are bound by a similarity in beliefs, or common cause against an opposing force.

8 Land Ordinance of 1785 (Northwest Territory) This divided the land into different townships and allowed the government to make money by selling the land to settlers.

9 Montesquieu He was a French political philosopher who firmly believed the best type of government is one that houses a separation of powers. (1689-1755)

10 Nationalism Having pride in your country.

11 New Jersey Plan (Favored by smaller states) Called for three branches of government, however, it wanted legislation to be made of one house with each state getting one equal vote.

12 Oligarchy A government that’s power is shared by a small group of people.

13 Quakers A religious group, who was a lot like hippies for their time, they promoted equality of sexes; pacifism; and did not recognize class differences.

14 Religious Dissent Being harassed or attacked for a certain religious belief; being persecuted for religious beliefs.

15 Religious Pluralism A mixed variety of religious beliefs.

16 “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” The famous shot (whose side we do not know) that started the American Revolution.

17 Thomas Hobbes He believed a strong government was critical to maintaining order. Hobbes felt all people were born with certain rights (greatest was to protect ones own life). He believed people should defer to the will of the sovereign.

18 Goal 2

19 Associate Justices Eight of the nine judges that make up the US Supreme Court.

20 Bills of Attainer When someone is convicted of a crime without having a trial.

21 Cloture When 3/5’s of the Senate is in favor of a certain bill.

22 Commute Sentences When the amount of time someone must spend in prison for committing a crime is shortened.

23 Corporate Taxes Taxes that are placed on businesses.

24 Deficit Spending The eagerness from the government to spend money it doesn’t have.

25 Expenditures Are certain things that the federal government MUST pay for (Ex. National defense).

26 Full Faith and Credit Clause The requires states to respect each others laws.

27 Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeier This is a court case that challenged the 1 st amendment rights in schools, mainly dealing with the freedom of press.

28 Immunity The law that protects Congress members, so that they cannot be arrested while attending a congressional session of any sort.

29 Regressive Taxes When larger amounts of taxes are taken from those who earn less.

30 Reprieves When a delay happens (because of new evidence, etc.) in the implementation of a sentence.

31 Term Limits Sets limits on how long or how many terms a person may serve in a public office.

32 Titles of Nobility A law which prohibits Congress from granting you an authoritive name, such as: Duke or Duchess.

33 User Fees When the government charges people fees to use certain services (Ex. Fee to camp in a national park, etc.)

34 Goal 3

35 Alderman A member of a city council, especially in larger cities.

36 Charter Schools Public schools that are specially sponsored to provide an alternative education.

37 Flexible (NC Constitution) Ability to change and adapt due to the time and what is needed to meet the needs of the country.

38 Gerrymandering This is when districts are drawn in order to help ensure election outcomes.

39 Local Act How local laws are approved-an idea is put before the voters of a town, city, or community and, if approved, it becomes a law.

40 Mayor-Council Plan When a mayor (chief executive) is elected by the public and often shares power over district with an elected city council.

41 Metropolis A REALLY big city! (A population of half million or more).

42 Ordinances Laws specific to a particular city.

43 Referendum When (in favor of votes) of a certain law is put before the public for their vote to see if it will be adapted as a law.

44 Special Districts Districts set up for the implementation of a specific service.

45 Goal 4

46 Activist People who are active in political happenings.

47 Arbitration When the decision of a third party in a negation is made legally binding.

48 Canvassing People/volunteers who go door to door to try and gain support and sway people to vote for a certain candidate.

49 Coalitions The joining together of different groups in order to achieve political success for a certain reason(s).

50 Counter-Sue When the defendant brings proceedings to the court in direct opposition to a prior suit.

51 Domestic Tranquility When the laws of the land are upheld in order to maintain an orderly and beneficial society. (Works best when citizens choose to take on their civic responsibility).

52 Exit Polls They are surveys taken by news, media, etc. of who people voted for in the polls. 1.Why did you Vote for your cand -didate? 2. How do you feel About the econom Y?

53 Media Bias When the media favors/or specifically ostracizes a certain stance or political position.

54 Moot Courts Fake courts that teach students court proceedings through experience. In a moot court they are able to research, investigate, prepare evidence, etc.

55 Plurality Vote A voting system in which a party does not need to win majority vote, but instead, it simply needs to win more votes than the other parties.

56 Polls Surveys that are taken in a random system. Republican: John McCain Democrat: Barak Obama

57 Precinct A certain district set up for a specific town/city for administrative purposes.

58 Reactionary Are groups that want to see things go back to more traditional ways. They often react in radical movements.

59 Sequestered When the jury, for a serious crime trial, is taken aside or isolated to make sure their decisions aren't influenced by outside forces.

60 Voir Dire Is a proceeding that takes place before a trial where the attorneys both ask potential jurors questions.

61 Goal 5

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