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Animation What is animation all about?. What is Animation? O “ The technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to.

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Presentation on theme: "Animation What is animation all about?. What is Animation? O “ The technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animation What is animation all about?

2 What is Animation? O “ The technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement when the film is shown as a sequence” English Dictionary

3 Types of Animation O There are various types of animation techniques practiced by film makers. Some of them are: O Classic 2D Animation – Hand drawn or Digital O 3D Animation O Stop Motion O Claymation

4 Classical 2 D Animation O Known as hand drawn or traditional O In this techniques animators need to make at least 12 drawings on paper for one second of the film! O These drawings are then scanned of filmed and edited together on the computer O Disney films began this way. O

5 Digital 2 D Animation O Animation frames are drawn directly on software using a mouse or pen tablet. O This technique is use mostly for TV series and web animation O 7kONbg

6 Digital 3 D Animation O The most popular style of animation used in todays cartoon films O 3D models are created, textured, rigged and animated in virtual space using complex computer programs O embedded&v=hzixp8s4pyg

7 Stop Motion Animation O The object, character is set in a pose against its background and photographed. O The object is moved slightly and photographed again O The process is repeated until the film is completed O

8 Clay Animation O Claymation is a form of stop motion animation O This popular technique has developed its own style and genre O

9 Claymation Process O Brainstorming Ideas and creating a story O Story Board; A visual outline to map the story, shot by shot or frame by frame

10 Claymation Process O Character creation O Set design and construction O Filming of each frame O Editing and sequencing of shots O Adding music, narration and voice overs O Adding Text such as titles and credits

11 Task 2 Assessment O Learning Intention: Know and understand the different forms of animation and review what makes a good Claymation O Investigation: Use the internet to research the different types of animation. Look at a variety of short Claymation films that appeal to you. Present your findings in a review using the focus questions.

12 Task 2 Assessment Steps To Follow 1. Write the task in your own words 2. Research Animation and make a list of the types and explain their process 3. Search Youtube for some short Claymation Films to research 4. Select one to review 5. Use the focus questions to write your review 6. Edit your draft by asking a class mate or teacher to look at it 7. Type up your good copy using size 12 calibri on a word document 8. Include your name and a title for your review

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