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SIGGRAPH 2010 Interactive On-Surface Signal Deformation Tobias Ritschel 1 Thorsten Thormählen 1 Carsten Dachsbacher 2 Jan Kautz 3 Hans-Peter Seidel 1.

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Presentation on theme: "SIGGRAPH 2010 Interactive On-Surface Signal Deformation Tobias Ritschel 1 Thorsten Thormählen 1 Carsten Dachsbacher 2 Jan Kautz 3 Hans-Peter Seidel 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 SIGGRAPH 2010 Interactive On-Surface Signal Deformation Tobias Ritschel 1 Thorsten Thormählen 1 Carsten Dachsbacher 2 Jan Kautz 3 Hans-Peter Seidel 1 1 Max-Planck-Institut Informatik 2 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 3 University College London

3 Motivation

4 Arbitrary Signals on 2D Surfaces in 3D Surface signal

5 Shadow Signal Light Shadow

6 Edit Metaphor

7 Soft Shadow Signal Area light Soft Shadow

8 Global Illumination Signal Light Indirect light

9 Caustic Signal Light Caustic

10 3D Texture Signal Polka dots

11 Previous Work Appearance editing Colbert et al. 2006 Kautz et al. 2007 Anjyo et al. 2003 Todo et al. 2004 Light & Material Perception Fleming et al. 2003 Ramanarayana et al. 2005 Khan et al. 2006 Light editing Schöneman et al. 1993 Poulin et al. 1997 Pellacini et al. 2007 Obert et al. 2008

12 Previous Work Surface deformation Sumner et al. 2005 Botsch et al. 2005 Meshless deformation Igarashi et al. 2005 Müller et al. 2005 Schaefer et al. 2006 Sorkine and Alexa 2007

13 Previous Work Shadow & Reflection editing Ritschel et al. 2009 Kerr et al. 2010 Obert et al. 2010 Parametrization Tzur and Tal 2008 Ischreiner et al. 2004 Schmidt et al. 2006

14 Our Approach location  deformed location : shading at location  radiance : shading at deformed location  radiance

15 Our Approach

16 Shadow Signal (3D Deformation) Light Shadow

17 Solver Deformation points

18 Solver Step 0

19 Solver Step 1

20 Solver Step 2

21 Solver Step 3

22 Objective Function is evaluated in parallel on the GPU

23 Objective: Maintain Distance

24 Objective: Stay on Surface

25 Distance Field

26 Energy: Handles

27 Multi-Resolution Approach Level 2 Level 1 Level 0

28 Splatting deformed point undeformed point positional term (3D position) Gaussian fall-off

29 Splatting

30 Results: 3D Texture

31 Results: Indirect Light

32 Results: Caustic

33 Results: Difficult Topology

34 Results: Sketching

35 Results: Dynamic Shadow Caster

36 Results: Different Signals select signal here

37 Conclusion Interactive on-surface signal deformation allows different kinds of shading signals to be deformed on a surface

38 Limitations and Future Work Perceptual bounds for edits Edits on deforming object Higher-dimensional (4D) editing of light transport

39 Thank you! Makoto Okabe Michael Wand Martin Bokeloh Elmar Eisemann Zhao Dong Robert W. Sumner Jovan Popovic Stanford 3D Scanning Repository Initial ideas Internal review Discussions Animal animation 3D models We would like to thank…

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