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Connecting to the Political Process: Socialization, Parties, and Interest Groups Unit 3.

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2 Connecting to the Political Process: Socialization, Parties, and Interest Groups Unit 3

3 Unit 3 Reading Due Dates – Feb 25pg 172-202 – Feb 26pg 234-247 – Feb 27pg 247-253 – Feb 28Woll 15 th edition pg 175-181 Woll 14 th edition pg 183-189 – March 1pg 320-332 – March 4pg 333-349

4 Public Opinion Definition – The distribution of the population’s beliefs about politics and policy issues. How do we measure public opinion?

5 The American People What factors have shaped the demographics of the U.S.? 3sTFRFX8 Have our attitudes toward immigration changed? – Illegal immigration – Minority Majority s/2011/nov/1/griswold-give-us- your-engineers-yearning-to-innova/

6 Figure 6.2 The American People The Regional Shift – Reapportionment: The process of reallocating House seats every 10 years. What shift has changed the apportionment of seats in the last 30 years?

7 The American People How has age distribution in this country changed? – Fastest growing group is over 65 What public policy concerns does this raise?

8 Political Culture Definition – An overall set of values widely shared within a society. What is the political culture of the U.S.? How does political socialization serve to maintain political culture?

9 Measuring Public Opinion How Polls Are Conducted – Why is random sampling important? – What is sampling error? – How can question wording impact the outcome of polls? How important is polling to American politics? Is it too important?

10 Measuring Public Opinion What Polls Reveal About Americans’ Political Information – How much knowledge do Americans have about politics? – How do Americans feel about their government?

11 Political Ideologies Definition: – A coherent set of beliefs about politics, public policy, and public purpose. How do we define “liberal” and “conservative”? Has there been a turn toward conservatism?

12 From Table 6.3 Political Ideologies Liberals: – Less military spending – Opposed to prayer in schools – Favor affirmative action – Tax the rich more – Solve the problems that cause crime Conservatives: – More military spending – Support prayer in schools – Oppose affirmative action – Keep taxes low – Should stop “coddling criminals”

13 Political Ideologies Do People Think in Ideological Terms? – Ideologues: think in ideological terms- 12% of the population – Group Benefits: rely on party labels- 42% of the population – Nature of the Times: current times are good or bad- 24% of the population – No issue content: based on personalities- 22% of the population

14 Political Participation Definition: – All the activities used by citizens to influence the selection of political leaders or the policies they pursue. Conventional Participation – Voting in elections – Working in campaigns / running for office – Contacting elected officials

15 Political Participation Is protest political participation? Civil disobedience: A form of political participation that reflects a conscious decision to break a law believed to be immoral and to suffer the consequences. Criteria to vote: your-voting-rights-state-state-voter- information your-voting-rights-state-state-voter- information

16 Figure 6.5 How Americans Participate in Politics Class, Inequality, and Participation

17 The Meaning of Party What is a political party? Parties can be thought of in three parts: – Party in the electorate – Party as an organization – Party in government

18 The Meaning of Party Tasks of the Parties – Linkage Institution – Pick Candidates – Run Campaigns – Give Cues to Voters – Articulate Policies – Coordinate Policymaking

19 Figure 8.1 The Meaning of Party What is the rational-choice theory? – Assumes that individuals act in their own best interest, weighing the pros & cons.

20 The Party in the Electorate What does this mean? How has this changed in recent years? – Split ticket voting YearDemIndRep 196452.22324.8 197640.236.823.0 198835.736.328.0 200034.841.024.2

21 Types of Party Systems States operate different systems: – Closed: voters must be registered with their party in advance and can only vote for that party – Open: voters decide on election day which party to participate in, and then only that party – Blanket: voters get a list of all candidates and can vote for one name for each office, regardless of party label

22 The Party Organizations - Local What is meant by the term “grassroots”? Party workers stuff envelopes, make calls and door-to-door visits, and plan events District and county committee – governing body for that region County chairperson leads the committee Sheriffs carry out the objectives of the political party

23 The Party Organizations - State State committee develops statewide party policy State chairperson heads the committee Governor is influential on party politics – especially in appointments

24 The Party Organizations – National Senators propose laws often in line with party platform National Committee coordinates state activities National chairperson leads the committee

25 The Party Organizations National Level State Level Local Level

26 The Party in Government What does this mean? Coalition: – A group of individuals with a common interest upon which every political party depends. How often do politicians do what they say they will do during elections?

27 Party Eras in American History Party Eras – Historical periods in which a majority of voters cling to the party in power. Critical Election – An electoral “earthquake” where new issues and new coalitions emerge. Party Realignment – The displacement of the majority party by the minority party, usually during a critical election.

28 Third Parties What is the impact of third parties on American politics? How does the winner-take-all system prevent the ascendance of third parties? What is the alternative to winner-take-all? Coalition Government: – Two or more parties join to run government

29 Understanding Political Parties Responsible Party Government – 1. Parties have distinct comprehensive programs. – 2. Candidates are committed to the program. – 3. Majority party must carry out its program. – 4. Majority party must accept responsibility.

30 Understanding Political Parties What are the issues with this model? How does the American political system serve to keep government relatively small? Why are parties in decline? Will they fade out completely?

31 The Role and Reputation of Interest Groups Definition – An organization of people with shared policy goal entering the policy process at several points to try to achieve those goals. Interest Groups are policy specialists, Political Parties are policy generalists.

32 The Role and Reputation of Interest Groups Why does “interest group” have a bad connotation? – The writers of the Constitution disliked organized groups- parties and interest groups. – Dishonest lobbyists get more press than the honest ones- even though there are far more honest lobbyists.

33 Interest Groups & Pluralism How do interest groups fit into pluralist theory? – Politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies. – No group wins or loses all the time. – Groups provide the key link between the people and the government. – Lobbying is open to all.

34 Interest Groups & Elitism How do interest groups fit into elitist theory? – Societies are divided along class lines and that an upper-class elite will rule. – Power is not equally divided among groups; some have much more. – Lobbying is a problem because it benefits the few at the expense of the many.

35 Interest Groups & Hyperpluralism How do interest groups fit into hyperpluralist theory? – Groups are so strong that government is weakened. – Iron Triangles keep government from working properly. – Interest groups have become too powerful since the government tries to serve every interest, making policy confusing and contradictory.

36 What Makes an Interest Group Successful? The Surprising Ineffectiveness of Large Groups – What is the Free-Rider problem? – The bigger the group, the larger the free-rider problem. – Large groups are difficult to keep organized. – Small groups are better organized and more focused on the group’s goals. – Groups that can provide selective benefits overcome the free-rider problem.

37 What Makes an Interest Group Successful? Intensity – Single-Issue groups: Groups that focus on a narrow interest and dislike compromise. – Groups may focus on an emotional issue, providing them with a psychological advantage. – May be more likely to use protests and other means of political participation than traditional interest groups that use lobbyists.

38 What Makes an Interest Group Successful? Financial Resources – Not all groups have equal amounts of money. – Monetary donations usually translate into access to the politicians- a phone call, a meeting, etc. – There is a bias towards the wealthier groups. – But, the wealthier groups don’t always win in the policy arena.

39 Figure 11.3 The Interest Group Explosion

40 How Groups Try to Shape Policy Lobbying – “communication by someone other than a citizen acting on his own behalf, directed to a governmental decisionmaker with the hope of influencing his decision.” – Two basic types: Those that are employed by a group, and those that are hired temporarily.

41 How Groups Try to Shape Policy – Lobbyists are a source of information. – Lobbyists can help politicians plan political strategies for legislation. – Lobbyists can help politicians plan political strategies for reelection campaigns. – Lobbyists can provide ideas and innovations that can be turned into policies that the politician can take credit for.

42 How Groups Try to Shape Policy Electioneering – Direct group involvement in the election process. – Political Action Committee (PAC): Used by corporations and unions to donate money to candidates. Sometimes used by groups as well. – Groups are often picky about who gets money. – Groups can do more than just donate money.

43 How Groups Try to Shape Policy Litigation – If an interest group fails in one area, the courts may be able to provide a remedy. – Interest groups can file amicus curiae briefs in court cases to support their position. – Class Action lawsuits permit small groups of people to try and correct a situation on behalf of a much larger group.

44 How Groups Try to Shape Policy Going Public – Groups try and cultivate a good public image. – Groups use marketing strategies to influence public opinion of the group and its issues. – Groups will purchase advertising to motivate the public about an issue. – Currently, some groups use a more “soft sell” approach style of public relations.

45 Types of Interest Groups Economic Interests – Labor – Agriculture – Business Environmental Interests Equality Interests Consumer and Public Interest Lobbies

46 Understanding Interest Groups Interest Groups and Democracy – A wide open government would force groups to compete and counterbalance each other. – More groups means more lobbyists and thus better democracy to some. – Others argue that groups are not equal and some get more than they should, which is not good for democracy.

47 Understanding Interest Groups Interest Groups and the Scope of Government – Interest groups seek to maintain policies and programs that benefit them. – Interest groups continue to pressure government to do more things. – But as the government does more things, does that cause the formation of more groups?

48 Internet Resources AARP AFL-CIO NEA Greenpeace Common Cause Free speech- Social Security

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