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Motivation.. Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. Lou Holtz.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation.. Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. Lou Holtz."— Presentation transcript:


2 Motivation.. Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. Lou Holtz

3 Motivation..  All consumer behavior starts with a motivation.  Motivation is the process by which an individual recognizes a need and takes action to satisfy it.  Need is a drive to eliminate the discrepancy between one's current state and some ideal state.  A goal is the desired ideal state that will provide benefits to satisfy a need.

4 Goals  Goal is the ideal state.  Product is the tool that will bring the person to that state.

5 Needs  Innate needs a primary (biological) needs that a person must fulfill in order to survive. e.g. Food, shelter, water etc  Acquired needs are secondary (psychological and social) needs that can remain unsatisfied. e.g. prestige, appreciation etc

6 Goals Goals are affected by :  Individual's background characteristics.  Available options and there awareness.  Influence of Marketers and PP makers.


8 Approaches to Consumer Motivation Theoretical approach Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Empirical approaches Motivational Research Means-ends Chain

9 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

10  Consumers have many needs and goals and often act to satisfy them simultaneously.  Some products satisfy several needs that represent different levels of Maslow’s hierarchy.  It fails to acknowledge the strong influence of psychological and social factors on the goals people choose to satisfy their physiological needs.  Whether the same needs exist in all cultures or even for all individuals in one culture. Weakness of Maslow’s Hierarchy

11 Identifying consumer needs

12 Why consumer buy a product  Do they buy Nike or ?  Mercedes or?  Buy Disney land tickets or ? And so on and on and on….

13 VIDEO 2,3

14 Key point to remember  Consumer don’t buy products, they buy benefits which a particular product is offering to them  Benefits help consumer achieve their goals and satisfy their needs  It could be: Comfortable walking experience Luxury travel Or fun, musty life with the family

15 What consumer want?

16 Approaches to get into consumer’s mind  Marketers have identified two approached to identify what benefits consumers seek in product  These approaches help them to develop better products and  Even market / promote it in a better way  In other words, these approaches provide an effective array of tools for understanding how consumers use motivation process to select benefits they seek from a product purchase

17 Approaches  Motivational research  Means End – Chains and Laddering

18 Motivational research  This method investigates the effects of personality systems and conflict resolution mechanism on a consumer ‘s unconscious motivations for buying certain products  Earnest Ditcher popularised its formal methods, adopted from the approaches and studies of famous psychologist Sigmund Freud

19 Motivational Approach (elaborated)  Understand a consumer’s personality and you will discover his or her unconscious motivation for buying a specific product  People don’t buy food wraps to protect foods but they buy it because of their concern for family health  Deodorant though eliminates odor and wetness, but the real motivation lies in the fact that it help’s consumer maintain their self esteem and there some other social benefits as well

20 Pros and Cons 1.It is some times not necessary that consumers buy a product for a hidden motivation or some particular reference They some times buy for the obvious benefits only 2.Interpretation of the Real Motivating factor may be undermined or misinterpreted by the analyst’s biasness and cannot represent the true story

21 Pros and Cons  Verify the findings by conducting a second stage research using quantitative approaches Validate the understanding gained through qualitative research

22 Means-End Chain laddering  It is based on the assumption that a product is a person’s means to achieve a desired end goal Consumer uses products attributes or characteristics as an indicator of the benefits it will look for to achieve its goals or values

23 Means-End Chain laddering  Product: Attributes that are offering functional or emotional benefits  Benefits : The satisfaction of functionality that help consumer achieve his goals

24 Laddering  In depth interviewing technique.  This elicits chain of associations among a product attributes, benefits achieved by using the product and the valued goals that are achieved  Example is ferrari

25 Summary  Two methods are used : Qualitative methods  To understanding and gain consumer insights  Done at a comparatively small scale Quantitative methods  To validate and the consumer insights analyzed at a larger scale

26 Why are consumers involved in their purchases?  Achievement motive- the drive to experience emotion in connection with evaluated performance eg - Nike  Power motive- the drive to have control or influence over another person, group, or the world at large  Uniqueness motive- the drive to perceive oneself as different from others eg customized products/services

27  Affiliation motive- the drive to be with people; to be part of their preferred social groups;  Self-esteem motive- credit for successes, by using some products (consumers) see themselves as better than most others. Why are consumers involved in their purchases?

28 Achievement motive

29 Power motive

30 Uniqueness motive

31 Affiliation motive

32 Self Esteem motive VIDEO 4

33 Factors that Affect Involvement  Background Characteristics of the consumer – culture, values, lifestyle, personality etc  Product Characteristics -- attributes, benefits, cost and risk involved  Situational effects or Unannounced needs that may arise

34 Lifestyle Affects Involvement  

35 Culture Affects Involvement.. 

36 Demographics Affects Involvement 

37 DO MARKETERS CREATE NEEDS????? To answer this hypothesis we have to analyze following two statements.

38 Marketers are accused of developing products that consumers don’t really want but creative advertising forces them to buy that product. Statement # 1

39 Arguments Against Marketing and advertising has created a consumer culture that praises heavy consumption and defines persons identity by the things he or she uses. Marketers have succeeded in making people believe that they need products that they don’t want to display power, wealth and free will.

40 If consumer recognize needs and seek products that satisfies that need they will look for the way to satisfy that desired need. Statement # 2

41 Arguments in Favor Although marketers do try to influence personal choices of goals but they cannot motivate someone unless he or she believes that it will satisfy a need. Ads create awareness but they cannot tempt someone to buy a product unless he or she has the desire for it.

42 Mirror controversy Advertising is simply a mirror that reflects the lifestyles consumers want to see. Marketers and advertisers try to reflect consumer needs rather than create them.


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