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SIDALAC 1 Satellite Meeting Resource Tracking and Priority Setting. XV International AIDS Conference Bangkok. 13 July, 2004. Policy Utility Application.

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Presentation on theme: "SIDALAC 1 Satellite Meeting Resource Tracking and Priority Setting. XV International AIDS Conference Bangkok. 13 July, 2004. Policy Utility Application."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIDALAC 1 Satellite Meeting Resource Tracking and Priority Setting. XV International AIDS Conference Bangkok. 13 July, 2004. Policy Utility Application SIDALAC

2 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 2 Detail by subprograms Access to ARV Vertical Prevention Blood Banks IDU Prevention

3 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 3 Prevention of Sexual Transmission. Identification of the expenditure explicitly directed to the most vulnerable populations and the highest risk for HIV MSM CSW (men and women) General Population (youngsters, women) Social marketing of condoms Inmates Mobile Populations

4 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 4 Categories of Expenditure (examples) Public Health: Epi Surveillance, IEC Prevention: Condoms, STI’s Tx, MTCT Prevention, Needles, Blood Banks Treatment: Hospitalary, Ambulatory Support Services: Diagnostic Tests, Monitoring of ARV therapy –viral load, CD4+ Cell counts. Anti-retrovirals Other drugs: Prophylaxis, Treatment of OI

5 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 5 Total HIV/AIDS Expenditures LAC and Two West African countries. Adjusted by PPP- USD$, 2002.

6 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 6 Expenditure in Functions by Source in 13 LAC countries, 2002. Percentage of the total expenditure SOURCE Care (%) PREV. (%) ADMN. (%) INVEST (%) NON- HEALTH (%) PUBLIC PRIVATE 0.3 INTERNATIONAL 0.8 Total expenditure = USD$ 588,550,000

7 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 7 Expenditure in Functions by Source in West African countries, 2003. Percentage of the total expenditure SOURCECAREPREV.ADMN.INVST. NON- HEALTH PUBLIC PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL 6.919.56.31.921.3 Total expenditure = USD$ 51,858,000

8 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 8 Expenditure in Care and treatment for HIV/AIDS, LAC. (million dollars) Total Expenditure on Care US$ 800,845,217 Expenditure per capita $1.65 100200300400500600 Other goods and Services Other non-durable goods Monitoring of PLWA Diagnostic Tests Ambulatory Other drugs Hospitalary care Antirretrovirals 65% 12% 7% 5% 3%

9 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 9 Public Health and Prevention Expenditure in LAC (Million US Dollars) Total Expenditure in Prevention and Public Health US$ 309,221,436 Total per capita $0.64 -20406080100120140160180200 Needle Exchange Programs Epidemiological Surveillance MTCP STI Dx & Tx Blood Banks IEC Condoms 58% 16% 13% 7% 2.5% 1%

10 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 10 Expenditure on Non-Health Actions in LAC (million dollars) 1% 2% 7% 8% 10% 72% -51015202530 Advocacy In Kind benefits to PLWA Empowerment Monetary benefits to PLWA Research and Development Training Total Non-Health Expenditure US$37,582,037 Multisectoral does not necessarily means non-health


12 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 12 FUNSALUD SIDALAC ONUSIDA Total HIV/AIDS Expenditures by Functions, Burkina Faso, 2003 Personal Health Care services 26% Equipment 2% Non-Health or health related expenditures 23% Administration 15% Prevention and Public Health 34%

13 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 13 HIV/AIDS Expenditures by source and by target population. Belize, 2003.

14 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 14 Public Expenditures in HIV/AIDS as Percentage of National HIV/AIDS Expenditures in LAC

15 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 15 A saving in care; an increase in prevention 45 42 68 157 248 352 812 415 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1997199819992000 YEAR USD$ PreventionTreatment and care Expenditure in Prevention and Care. BRAZIL 1997-2000 (million $USD)

16 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 16 HIV/AIDS Expenditures in prevention and care. MEXICO 1995- 2002. (Million USD$) Sharper increase in care; moderate increase for prevention.

17 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 17 Preventive expenditure on MSM and percentage of AIDS cases among MSM 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Costa Rica Dominican R El Salvador Guatemala Mexico Panama Paraguay Peru Uruguay Preventive Expenditure on MSMAIDS Cases among MSM % Lack of correlation between epidemiogical information and expenditure in the population at highest risk

18 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 18 HIV/AIDS Expenditures in Local Currency. Ghana, 2002-2003 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 Ministry of Health Other Central Government NGO’s Households (OOPE) Multilaterals (Including GFATM) Bilaterals International NGOs 2002 2003 PUBLICPRIVATEINTERNATIONAL CEDIS Additionality of GFATM resources.

19 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 19 Functional Group of Expenditures, Belize 1999-2002. (Bz$ Thousands) Increase in non-health Activities, mainly because the result of UNTG

20 FUNSALUD SIDALAC 20 Expenditures on HIV/AIDS by Source of Funds, Belize 1999-2002. (Bz$ Thousands) Increase in non-health Activities, mainly because the result of UNTG

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