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FROM ONE GENERATION TO ANOTHER: MENTORING GEN XERS AND MILLENNIALS Rev. Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Ph.D. CHHSM Annual Meeting – February 28, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "FROM ONE GENERATION TO ANOTHER: MENTORING GEN XERS AND MILLENNIALS Rev. Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Ph.D. CHHSM Annual Meeting – February 28, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 FROM ONE GENERATION TO ANOTHER: MENTORING GEN XERS AND MILLENNIALS Rev. Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Ph.D. CHHSM Annual Meeting – February 28, 2014

2 Overview  Review of Generation X and Millennial personalities and work traits  Similarities and differences between the generations  Leading and mentoring Generation X  Leading and mentoring Millennials

3 The Generation X Personality  Self-reliant  Wants balance  Has a nontraditional orientation about time and space  Likes informality  Pragmatic  Approach to authority is casual  Cynical  Continues to be technologically savvy  Attracted to the edge

4 Generation X at Work  Assets  Adaptability  Technoliteracy  Independence  Creativity  Willingness to buck the system  Liabilities  Skeptical  Impatient  Distrustful of authority  Inept at office politics  Less attracted to leadership

5 The Millennial Personality  Resiliently optimistic  Digital native  Collaborative  Goal and achievement oriented  Diverse  Confident

6 Millennials at Work  Assets  Collective action  Optimism  Tenacity  Heroic spirit  Multitasking capabilities  Technological savvy  Adept at change  Liabilities  Need for supervision and structure  Demand for constant feedback  Helicopter parents  Family events trump work

7 Similarities between Gen Xers and Millennials  Technologically savvy  Loyal to people but not to organizations  Turned off by leaders who place monetary-driven (greed-driven) personal, company, and shareholder agendas before the good of humanity  Appreciate constructive feedback on performance Source: Walsh, Gwen, “Baby Boomers: Relating to X’s and Y’s,” Tech Edge LLC, millennials-tidal-wave-is-upon-us-how-are-you-tackling-the-great-divide/#sthash.ZUhOCwdN.dpuf millennials-tidal-wave-is-upon-us-how-are-you-tackling-the-great-divide/#sthash.ZUhOCwdN.dpuf

8 Differences between Gen Xers and Millennials Millennials  Millennials expect to work more than 40 hours a week to achieve the lifestyle they want  Prefer collaboration and working in teams  Appreciate frequent engagement Gen X  Don’t see the point of working beyond the standard number of hours  Prefer to work independently  Appreciate freedom Source: Zemke, et. al. Generations at Work.

9 Generation X and Baby Boomers  Irritated that Baby Boomers are blocking their way to advancement  Some Baby Boomers in key leadership positions are behaving as “lame ducks” (to put it bluntly) Source: Walsh, Gwen, “Baby Boomers: Relating to X’s and Y’s,” Tech Edge LLC, millennials-tidal-wave-is-upon-us-how-are-you-tackling-the-great-divide/#sthash.ZUhOCwdN.dpuf millennials-tidal-wave-is-upon-us-how-are-you-tackling-the-great-divide/#sthash.ZUhOCwdN.dpuf

10 Leading / Motivating / Mentoring: Gen X  Encourage self-directed learning  Offer nongroup-meeting formats  In presenting information to Gen Xers, get right to the material and demonstrate expertise  Give time and space to pursue their own projects and ideas  Offer access to good technology (rather than a bigger office)  Make them feel like insiders  Pitch office politics as a way to get around rules  Provide coaching that gives them responsibility for their own work issues Source: Zemke, et. al. Generations at Work.

11 Leading / Motivating / Mentoring: Gen X Messages that Motivate  I don’t care how you get it done.  I’m not going to micromanage you.  Our team has a good sense of humor. Source: Zemke, et. al. Generations at Work.

12 - In what ways are your experiences with Gen Xers similar or different than what you’ve heard today? - What are some best practices you’ve developed in working with Gen Xers? Discussion

13 Millennials and Baby Boomers  Issues with effectively engaging Millennials in key areas: Connecting on a human-to-human basis Understanding what motivates Millennials Providing 1×1 value-add, real-time mentoring, coaching and feedback Working with Millennials to create career paths Communicating with Millennials using engaging technologies Supporting Millennials’ work/life balance needs Creating sustainable virtual teams (which, by the way, save organizations huge quantifiable dollars plus increase productivity if thoughtfully planned and implemented) Source: Walsh, Gwen, “Baby Boomers: Relating to X’s and Y’s,” Tech Edge LLC, millennials-tidal-wave-is-upon-us-how-are-you-tackling-the-great-divide/#sthash.ZUhOCwdN.dpuf millennials-tidal-wave-is-upon-us-how-are-you-tackling-the-great-divide/#sthash.ZUhOCwdN.dpuf

14 Leading / Motivating / Mentoring: Millennials  Help us learn.  Believe in us.  Tune in to our technology.  Connect us.  Let us make it our own.  Tell us how we’re doing.  Be approachable.  Plug in to our parents.  Be someone we can believe in. Source: Zemke, et. al. Generations at Work. Source: Jeanne C. Meister and Karie Willyerd, “Mentoring Millennials.” Harvard Business Review, May 2010, millennials/ar/1 millennials/ar/1

15 Leading / Motivating / Mentoring: Millennials Messages that Motivate  You can make a difference here.  You will have a clear career path so you can keep moving ahead.  You will work on a team with other bright, creative people.  You can be a hero here. Source: Zemke, et. al. Generations at Work.

16 - In what ways are your experiences with Millennials similar or different than what you’ve heard today? - What are some best practices you’ve developed in working with Millennials? Discussion

17 Questions? Contact: Rev. Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Ph.D. Director Center for Analytics, Research and Data (CARD) United Church of Christ 1-866-822-8224 x3866

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