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Singularity Avoidance by Inputting Angular Velocity to a Redundant Axis During Cooperative Control of a Teleoperated Dual- Arm Robot Student ID : M9920103.

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Presentation on theme: "Singularity Avoidance by Inputting Angular Velocity to a Redundant Axis During Cooperative Control of a Teleoperated Dual- Arm Robot Student ID : M9920103."— Presentation transcript:

1 Singularity Avoidance by Inputting Angular Velocity to a Redundant Axis During Cooperative Control of a Teleoperated Dual- Arm Robot Student ID : M9920103 Student : Kun-Hong Lee Adviser : Ming-Yuan Shieh Masanori Hayakawa, Keiko Hara, Daisuke Sato, Member, IEEE, Atsushi Konno, Member, IEEE and Masaru Uchiyama, Member, IEEE 1


3 ABSTRACT This paper describes a procedure of avoiding singularity for a redundantly-driven, dual-arm, master-slave robotic system. In cooperative operation, the procedure starts with a periodic check if one of the dual arms is close to a singular configuration by examining the manipulability of the arm. Experimental examples are provided to demonstrate the proposed method. 3

4 INTRODUCTION In this research, the singularity avoidance support system is developed on these backgrounds. This system has the following features: First of all, when a arm is close to singular configuration, this system makes arm stop moving and control scheme switches to redundancy control. Secondly, this system shows operator the possible arm configuration during singularity avoidance in advance. 4

5 INTRODUCTION And the operator can select the arm configuration from them. Then, by inputing angular velocity to a redundant axis, new configuration is allowed, while preservin desired internal forces. Finally, this system makes arms move toward the selected arm configuration. In this paper, the concept of the singularity avoidance support system is to develop a supporting function for human to manipulate robot easily. 5

6 A TELEOPERATED DUAL-ARM SPACE ROBOT SYSTEM 6 Fig. 1. Overview of the experimental teleoperation system.

7 A TELEOPERATED DUAL-ARM SPACE ROBOT SYSTEM A concept of teleoperated dual-arm space robot system is shown in Fig. 1. This system is divided into a slave system and a master system. In order to study a time delay problem between a space robot and a teleoperation system on the earth, the dual-arm space robot system can incorporate any length of time delay between the master and slave systems. A model based teleoperation is introduced to avoid instability caused by the time delay. 7

8 A TELEOPERATED DUAL-ARM SPACE ROBOT SYSTEM The model based teleoperation system involves a virtual environment of the dual-arm robot in the computer of the master system. The operator watches virtual environment displayed on monitor and controls the slave arms by using the master arms. 8 Fig. 2. Overview of the virtual environment

9 A TELEOPERATED DUAL-ARM SPACE ROBOT SYSTEM The slave system consists of two slave arms, 6-axis force sensors, and a computer to control the slave arms. The PA10 manipulators manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd are used as the slave arms. As the PA10 has 7-DOF, it is possible to avoid the singular configuration by using redundancy without moving end-effector. Two force sensors are attached on the wrist of each slave arm. 9

10 A TELEOPERATED DUAL-ARM SPACE ROBOT SYSTEM The joints of PA10 are called, respectively, from the root of arm, S1, S2, S3, E1, E2, W1, W2 and shown in Fig. 3. 10 Fig. 3. Name of joints.

11 A TELEOPERATED DUAL-ARM SPACE ROBOT SYSTEM A.Cooperative Control of the Dual-Arm Robot As mentioned above, a model based teleoperation is introduced to overcome the time delay problem. The motion command generated by operating the master arm is sent to both arms in virtual environment (virtual arms) and arms in slave system (slave arms). Fig. 4 shows the coordinate systems when the slave arms grasp an object. 11

12 CONTROL SCHEME A. Cooperative Control of the Dual-Arm Robot As mentioned above, a model based teleoperation is introduced to overcome the time delay problem. The motion command generated by operating the master arm is sent to both arms in virtual environment (virtual arms) and arms in slave system (slave arms). Fig. 4 shows the coordinate systems when the slave arms grasp an object. 12

13 CONTROL SCHEME 13 Fig. 4. Coordinates of the system in capturing the object.

14 CONTROL SCHEME As shown in Fig. 4, the right and left virtual arm, slave arm, and master arm are named Vir Arm 1,Vir Arm 2, Arm 1, Arm 2, and Master Arm 1, Master Arm 2 respectively. Where Σ 0 is the base coordinate system of the slave system, Σ a is the coordinate system of holding object. Σ h1, Σ h2 are the coordinate systems of end-effector of Arm 1, Arm 2. Σ m1, Σ m2 are coordinate systems of Master Arm 1 and 2, respectively. 14

15 CONTROL SCHEME In this control scheme, the motion of the holding object is controlled by operating the Master Arm 2. Conversion from the cooperative mode to the redundancy control mode is carried out by using the jog-dial attached on the master arm. Detail of it is explained later. For internal force and relative position controls, the desired force and position vector are decided previously. Switching betweeninternal force and relative position controls is done by GUI. 15

16 CONTROL SCHEME B. Redundancy Control in the Cooperative Dual- Arm Robot J J θ r, 7×1 joint angular velocity vector in null-space of J, is given by (1) when Jacobian matrix of a 7-DOF redundant manipulator is expressed as J, ξ is a 7 × 1 arbitrary vector. The way to calculate ξ is shown in (2), and V ( θ ) is manipulability measure, shown as (3). 16

17 CONTROL SCHEME Then scalar value k is derived as follows. Since ˙ θ r is in the null space of J, ˙ θ r can not affect on the end-effector velocity ˙p, i.e. J˙ θ r = 0. Therefore ˙ θ r given by (1) is utilized to avoid singularity. The joint angular velocity command is given as follows. 17

18 CONTROL SCHEME 18 (a) S1 and S3 rotate about the same axis, and S1 is at 0 or 180 ( ◦ ). Moreover S3 is at 90 ( ◦ ) rotation from S1. (b) E2 and W2 rotate about the same axis, and W2 is at 0 or 180 ( ◦ ). Moreover E2 is at 90 ( ◦ ) rotation from W2.

19 CONTROL SCHEME 19 (c) S3 and E2 rotate about the same axis. (d) S1 and S3 rotate about the same axis, and E2 and W2 rotate about the same axis.

20 CONTROL SCHEME 20 (e) S1, S3 and W2 rotate about the same axis. (f) S3, E2 and W2 rotate about the same axis. Fig. 5. Singular configuration of PA10.

21 CONTROL SCHEME In this control scheme, the motion of the holding object is controlled by operating the Master Arm 2. Conversion from the cooperative mode to the redundancy control mode is carried out by using the jog-dial attached on the master arm. Detail of it is explained later. For internal force and relative position controls, the desired force and position vector are decided previously. Switching betweeninternal force and relative position controls is done by GUI. 21

22 EXPERIMENT A. An Experimental Methodology In this experiment, while slave arms are holding object using internal force control, redundancy control is carried out by inputing joint angular velocity from master arm to redundant axis of slave arm. By commanding plus and minus angular velocity to Arm 1 and Arm 2, redundancy control is executed. 22

23 EXPERIMENT In this experiment, desired internal force is 50.0 N in the direction of xa with respect to Σ a, and desired internal forces and moments for other directions are 0 N and 0 Nm respectively. Holding object is 590×20×200 mm rectangular solid styrene foam. Both side of styrene foam are gripper points and covered with acrylic plate, size of 2×200×200 mm. As a result the gross weigh of holding object is 1.23 kg. As gripper points are covered with acrylic plate, grip force is not absorbed so much. 23

24 EXPERIMENT B. Results of Experiment This interval (i) is indicated in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. Fig. 8 shows that master arm commands plus and minus angular velocity to S3 axis of of Arms 1 and 2. 24 Fig. 8. S3 angular velocity commanded from the master arm. Fig. 9. Internal force in the direction of xa.

25 EXPERIMENT B. Results of Experiment Fig. 9 shows that the desired and current internal force in the direction of xa keep around 50 N during the interval (i). As shown in Fig. 10, indicate position and orientation of the end-effector of Arms 1 and 2, They are nearly stationary during the interval (i). This experiment proves that redundancy control, by using proposed control scheme, is carried out with stabilizing internal force. It means that by commanding angular velocity to redundant axis, the operator can change the arm configuration without interfering cooperative control of dual-arm. 25

26 EXPERIMENT A. An Experimental Methodolo 26

27 SYSTEM HARDWARE C. BOSU Balance Training Platform Fig. 2. (a)–(d) Technical drawing of the BOSU balance trainer [16]. (e) FSP mounted on the balance trainer for acquisition of readings in perturbed conditions. (f) Subject mounted on the BOSU balance trainer that has been fitted with the FSP and use of hand rails for additional safety support in dynamic condition. 27

28 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM Fig. 3. Flow chart describing the force-sensing system’s functionality. Analog signals are acquired by the FSRs on the FSP and digitized before making the data available for real-time/ postacquisition analysis. 28

29 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM A. Real-Time Visual Representation of Pressure Profile The designed system presented visual feedback to end users in real time. Real-time visual data representation was useful in providing qualitative assessment of subjects’ postural control and pressure points. 29

30 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM A. Real-Time Visual Representation of Pressure Profile A rainbow color scale was used to represent low force intensities with colors close to black (cold colors) and high force intensities with colors close to white (hot colors). This form of real-time feedback to end-users [see Fig. 4(a)] eases the process of identifying regions with high force concentrations at the foot. 30

31 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM A. Real-Time Visual Representation of Pressure Profile Fig. 4. (a) Snapshot of the IGUI feedback displaying real-time captured foot patterns with varying color intensities to represent regions of high force concentrations. (b) Reproduced foot boundary from reduced data set; migration of weighted center of the applied pressure over time was superimposed on the traced foot boundaries. 31

32 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM B. Off-Line Representation of Pressure Concentration Sites Stored signals were retrieved for analysis using MATLAB R2009b and checked for redundancy. Redundancy in the data sets referred to regions of the FSP that did not come in contact with the subjects’ foot. 32

33 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM B. Off-Line Representation of Pressure Concentration Sites 33

34 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM B. Off-Line Representation of Pressure Concentration Sites 34

35 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM B. Off-Line Representation of Pressure Concentration Sites The X plane on the platform corresponds to the ML anatomical plane, while the Z plane refers to the AP anatomical plane. Fig. 5. Sectioned view of the FSP, depicting the arrangement of four FSRs, and the magnitude and location of the resultant force Fy, when FSRs are pressed. 35

36 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM C. Fuzzy Clustering The FCM algorithm was used in this paper to identify 2- D regions with repeating locations of data concentration (pressure concentration) along the ML and AP planes. The objective function used was the distance from any given data point to a cluster center, weighted by that data point’s membership grade. 36

37 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A. Real-Time Qualitative Assessment Fig. 6. Real-time view of the IGUI provided to the end-user. The IGUI allows for the rainbow color scale graph to be rotated, and viewed as a 3-D graph for ease of visualization (a) Default acquisition view: EO. (b) Default acquisition view: EC. (c) Rotated acquisition view: EO. (d) Rotated acquisition view: EC. 37

38 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS B. Pressure Concentration Sites Fig. 7. Single representative subject’s zoomed-in view on the distribution of COP plotted on a coordinate scale in units (1 unit = 40 mm). (a) Left foot. (b) Right foot. 38

39 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS C. Clustering Distribution Sites Fig. 8. Fuzzy clustering applied to the calculated pressure distribution coordinates to identify occurrences of clusters within data set in EO state while subject is on static surface. (a) Left foot (b). Right foot. Identified clusters are marked as black dots on the graph. 39

40 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS D. Lifestyle and Postural Control Fig. 9. Average distribution area of COP of all subjects sorted from “active” to “inactive” lifestyle along the x-axis. (a) Static condition, EO. (b) Static condition, EC. (c) Dynamic condition, EO. (d) Dynamic condition, EC. 40

41 CONCLUSION The results obtained demonstrated the sensitivity of the developed system toward changes made in the postural control system. Individual with or without balance disorder could benefit by relying on the measurements of the system to identify, correct, monitor, and suggest improvements for problems with the proprioception response of the feet, which influences the postural control and occurrences of foot related injuries. 41

42 Tthank you for your attention 42

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