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J ANUARY J OURNAL Emely Mendoza. P RIME OR C OMPOSITE Prime a prime number is a number that only has one way of getting that product two numbers together.

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Presentation on theme: "J ANUARY J OURNAL Emely Mendoza. P RIME OR C OMPOSITE Prime a prime number is a number that only has one way of getting that product two numbers together."— Presentation transcript:

1 J ANUARY J OURNAL Emely Mendoza

2 P RIME OR C OMPOSITE Prime a prime number is a number that only has one way of getting that product two numbers together and it would be that number times one. Composite A composite number is a number that has more than one way of multiplying a number and getting the composite as a product.

3 M Y FAVORITE NUBER Seize (French) Composite Xvi 4x4=16 17-1=16 16/1=16 10+6=16 16 Sixteen 十六 (chinese)

4 O NE INCH TALL IDEA ’ S I would have mush to explore I would be everywhere. I would try and move different things to scare people. I would be able to look at many thing very different.

5 T EN FEET TALL I would be able to touch a tall tree. I would sit on top of the school bus. I would have a huge car.

6 H ELPING THE ENVIORMENT 1. I can help clean up the parks. 2. I can recycle more. 3. I can clean up the beach with my family. 4. I can do commutative service. 5. I can reuse anything I can.

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