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Millions of years ago, Australia was part of a huge continent called Gondwanaland. But then Gondwanaland slowly moved and formed several different areas.

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3 Millions of years ago, Australia was part of a huge continent called Gondwanaland. But then Gondwanaland slowly moved and formed several different areas of land. So, Australia became cut off from the rest of the world. That’s why the island’s wildlife is so unique today. Probably, due to its geographical position, Australia was the last continent inhabited by the white man.

4 Australia is the world’s largest island and its smallest continent. The continent is south of the equator. Much of the land cover nearly 2000000 square kilometers. Most of the continent is sunny most of the year. Its population is very small (only 0,3% of the world’s population) for such a huge country. Many people live far away from towns in the outback. Severe draughts, floods and cyclones happen very often on the continent. The people suffer from limited fresh water.

5 Australia: Australia’s native animals and plants are found on the coot of arms: the kangaroo, the emus and the twig of wattle.

6 ►►G►►Great Britain and Australia ore washed by the ocean and seas from all sides. ¾ of the territory of the USA is washed by the ocean. ►►S►►Severe draughts happen in Australia and it’s sunny most of the year. In Britain the climate is mild and there is a steady rainfall throughout most of the year. In the USA southern parts have warm temperatures year round and nor then have very cold winters. ►►M►►Much of the land is a desert in Australia. In Britain consists for the most part of plains and hills; in the north and west mountainous areas ore found. In the USA almost every type of landscape is presented.

7 Teenagers from different countres are sharing their opinions about the places they’d Like to Live in. Would I like to live here? I really haven’t thought about it. The Australians live met are very hospitable and much friendlier than the British. After two weeks I understood why Australia is called the lucky country. One reason is that the weather is so good the sun is always shining. Thanks to warm, sunny weather, you can spend all the time outdoors. What a good chance one can have to look sunburned, to enjoy sunbathing and waterspouts. Well, Australia is a great place to live.

8 We don’t want to live anywhere else but in Russia. we were born here and we are not going to leave it. But a lot of countries attract us as traveler. We’ve read much about European countries and about Australia. Firstly, like its climate. Another reason for our choice is Australian food. A lot of exotic fruits that we have never seen in Russia grow there. If we happen to live in Australia, we’ll live in Sidney. But still it is a dream, and perhaps some day we’ll visit Australia, but we will only visit. We are not going to live there. East or west, home is best. We can’t imagine our life in another country without Russian friends, the Russian language, Russian frost and Russian cookery. As for me…


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