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Our God is an Awesome God Deuteronomy 10:21. We recognize how great and powerful God WAS! A. Gen 1 and 2 shows just how great and powerful our God is.

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Presentation on theme: "Our God is an Awesome God Deuteronomy 10:21. We recognize how great and powerful God WAS! A. Gen 1 and 2 shows just how great and powerful our God is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our God is an Awesome God Deuteronomy 10:21

2 We recognize how great and powerful God WAS! A. Gen 1 and 2 shows just how great and powerful our God is - or WAS! B. We see an awesome God who preserved His people at all times - 2 Kings 19; Isaiah 37; Esther and others C. Acts 2:22-32 where God allowed men to do this and through His Providence He still accomplished His will!

3 We sometimes limit God and His power today A.Have you ever seen someone bargain with God? “If you do this… I’ll…” For Christians this shows a lack of faith! We walk by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7), right? B. We have lost our worldview of God’s power to work in all lands. There are many stories of early religious pioneers crying over maps and world globes as they prayed for God’s help in converting the masses there. And now what?

4 We limit ourselves, don’t we? A.If you begin to doubt how much you are capable of doing… You’re in good company! Elijah - 1 Kings 19; Gideon - Judges 6 B. We forget about God’s providential care and help – Romans 8:26-30 C. Please let me give some personal examples - 1. A Christian who left furniture in Moscow; 2. Larisa Andreevna – got 2 years w/husband 3. A sister who stopped drinking – hard way!

5 We CAN reverse this trend! A. Pray more earnestly for workers and their work – James 5:16 B. Be ready to go where the Lord leads – as the prophet Isaiah was - Isaiah 6:8 C. Expect the most and best from God’s hand – Ephesians 3:14-21

6 Conclusion Our God is an awesome and powerful God who is able to do far more than we expect. Let us raise our expectations and our heart-felt prayers to God. Let us remember that the “sky is NOT the limit” when it comes to God’s power!

7 God has the power to forgive you! What must I do to be Saved ? Hear Romans 10:14, 17 Believe John 8:24; Mark 16:16 Repent Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38 Confess Matthew10:32 Be baptized in water Acts 2:38; 22:16 Remain faithful Revelation 2:10 b, Matthew 25:21

8 Take Time to Contact Me If you have questions, you may contact me at the following addresses or by phone:If you have questions, you may contact me at the following addresses or by phone: Charlie Gant Charlie Gant P. O. Box 837 P. O. Box 837 Leakey, Texas 78873-0837 Leakey, Texas 78873-0837 E-mail: E-mail: Text or phone: 979 743-1066Text or phone: 979 743-1066

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