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Milk Deluxe VS. Robust Milk Both of them are good at promotion. Almost every Chinese know these two kinds of milk very well.

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2 Milk Deluxe VS. Robust Milk

3 Both of them are good at promotion. Almost every Chinese know these two kinds of milk very well.


5  The company of Milk Deluxe licensed the rights to the name and image of the famous pianist, Langlang. Langlang is one of the most famous pianist of the world, his music always represent deluxe.

6 Many people in China only buy Milk Deluxe, because they like the spokesman too much and the taste of the milk better than the other milk.

7  Place of origin: In Nei menggol at 40⁰N, it is temperate monsoon climate and sun shine more than 3000 hours per year.  The cows here are all improved breeds, they listen to music at least 8 hours a day.  There are 3.3 grams protein in every 100 grams milk, 13.8% higher than the normal milk.


9  On the promotion of Robust it said our milk is good for children’s stomach. It can help digest and improve their appetite.  Many parents think this milk is healthy for their children. They would like to buy the milk for their children.

10  5 Robust milk cost 5.8 RMB (500ml) 1 Milk Deluxe cost 6.0 RMB (250ml) Robust milk is Much cheaper than The Milk Deluxe.


12  The Milk Deluxe has a better competitive advantage than Robust Milk.  All the people want buy Milk Deluxe, Robust Milk is only for children. Therefore Deluxe has a bigger target market.  The Deluxe Milk is famous of the quality. Most people buying milk think highly of the quality.  The Deluxe has already created the Customer Loyalty. Lots of people think buy milk only buy Milk Deluxe, because it is the best. To sum up, the Milk Deluxe has better competitive advantages.

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