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Determinants and dynamics of the CVD Epidemic in the developing Countries Data from South Asian Immigrant studies Excess, early, and extensive CHD in persons.

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Presentation on theme: "Determinants and dynamics of the CVD Epidemic in the developing Countries Data from South Asian Immigrant studies Excess, early, and extensive CHD in persons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Determinants and dynamics of the CVD Epidemic in the developing Countries Data from South Asian Immigrant studies Excess, early, and extensive CHD in persons of South Asian origin The excess mortality has not been fully explained by the major conventional risk factors. Diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance highly prevalent.(Reddy KS, circ 1998). Central obesity, ↑ triglycerides, ↓ HDL with or without glucose intolerance, characterize a phenotype. genetic factors predispose to ↑ lipoprotein(a) levels, the central obesity/glucose intolerance/dyslipidemia complex collectively labeled as the “metabolic syndrome”

2 Determinants and dynamics of the CVD epidemic in the developing countries Other Possible factors Relationship between early life characteristics and susceptibility to NCD in adult hood ( Barker’s hypothesis) (Baker DJP,BMJ,1993) –Low birth weight associated with increased CVD –Poor infant growth and CVD relation Genetic–environment interactions (Enas EA, Clin. Cardiol. 1995; 18: 131–5) -Amplification of expression of risk to some environmental changes esp. South Asian population) -Thrifty gene (e.g. in South Asians)

3 CVD epidemic in developing & developed countries. Are they same? Urban populations have higher levels of CVD risk factors related to diet and physical activity (overweight, hypertension, dyslipidaemia and diabetes) Tobacco consumption is more widely prevalent in rural population The social gradient will reverse as the epidemics mature. The poor will become progressively vulnerable to the ravages of these diseases and will have little access to the expensive and technology-curative care. The scarce societal resources to the treatment of these disorders dangerously depletes the resources available for the ‘unfinished agenda’ of infectious and nutritional disorders that almost exclusively afflict the poor

4 Burden of CVD in Pakistan Coronary heart disease Mortality statistics Specific mortality data ideal for making comparisons with other countries are not available Inadequate and inappropriate death certification, and multiple concurrent causes of death

5 Central obesity: a driving force for cardiovascular disease & diabetes “Balzac” by Rodin Front Back

6 Developing A New Definition of the Metabolic Syndrome: IDF Objectives Needs: To identify individuals at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease (and diabetes) To be useful for clinicians To be useful for international comparisons

7 The new IDF definition focusses on abdominal obesity rather than insulin resistance International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Consensus Definition 2005

8 Why people physically inactive? Lack of awareness regarding the of physical activity for health fitness and prevention of diseases Social values and traditions regarding physical exercise (women, restriction). Non-availability public places suitable for physical activity (walking and cycling path, gymnasium). Modernization of life that reduce physical activity (sedentary life, TV, Computers, tel, cars).

9 Insulin Resistance: Associated Conditions

10 Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome Among US Adults NHANES 1988-1994 Prevalence (%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 20-2930-3940-4950-5960-69> 70 Men Women Age (years) Ford E et al. JAMA. 2002(287):356. 1999-2002 Prevalence by IDF vs. NCEP Definitions (Ford ES, Diabetes Care 2005; 28: 2745-9) (unadjusted, age 20+) NCEP : 33.7% in men and 35.4% in women IDF: 39.9% in men and 38.1% in women


12 Prevention of CVD There is an urgent need to establish appropriate research studies, increase awareness of the CVD burden, and develop preventive strategies. Prevention and treatment strategies that have been proven to be effective in developed countries should be adapted for developing countries. Prevention is the best option as an approach to reduce CVD burden. Do we know enough to prevent this CVD Epidemic in the first place.

13 The new IDF definition focusses on abdominal obesity rather than insulin resistance International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Consensus Definition 2005

14 Central Obesity Waist circumference – ethnicity specific* – for Europids: Male > 94 cm Female > 80 cm plus any two of the following: Raised triglycerides> 150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L) or specific treatment for this lipid abnormality Reduced HDL cholesterol< 40 mg/dL (1.03 mmol/L) in males < 50 mg/dL (1.29 mmol/L) in females or specific treatment for this lipid abnormality Raised blood pressureSystolic : > 130 mmHg or Diastolic: > 85 mmHg or Treatment of previously diagnosed hypertension Raised fasting plasma glucose Fasting plasma glucose > 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) or Previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes If above 5.6 mmol/L or 100 mg/dL, OGTT is strongly recommended but is not necessary to define presence of the syndrome.

15 Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome: 2005 Aspirin Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle change Stop smoking CB1 Receptor Blocker Oral hypoglycaemics Antihypertensives Statins & Fibrates Insulin ACEI &/or A2 receptor blockers

16 Primary management for the Metabolic Syndrome is healthy lifestyle promotion. This includes: moderate calorie restriction (to achieve a 5-10% loss of body weight in the first year) moderate increases in physical activity change dietary composition to reduce saturated fat and total intake, increase fibre and, if appropriate, reduce salt intake. Recommendations for treatment

17 Appropriate & aggressive therapy is essential for reducing patient risk of cardiovascular disease Lifestyle measures should be the first action Pharmacotherapy should have beneficial effects on –Glucose intolerance/diabetes –Obesity –Hypertension –Dyslipidaemia Ideally, treatment should address all of the components of the syndrome and not the individual components Management of the Metabolic Syndrome

18 Summary: new IDF definition for the Metabolic Syndrome The new IDF definition addresses both clinical and research needs: provides a simple entry point for primary care physicians to diagnose the Metabolic Syndrome providing an accessible, diagnostic tool suitable for worldwide use, taking into account ethnic differences establishing a comprehensive ‘platinum standard’ list of additional criteria that should be included in epidemiological studies and other research into the Metabolic Syndrome


20 Lifestyle modification Diet Exercise Weight loss Smoking cessation If a 1% reduction in HbA 1c is achieved, you could expect a reduction in risk of: 21% for any diabetes- related endpoint 37% for microvascular complications 14% for myocardial infarction However, compliance is poor and most patients will require oral pharmacotherapy within a few years of diagnosis Stratton IM et al. BMJ 2000; 321: 405–412.

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