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Corporate PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines Presented By:Marketing Date: December 2002 Attendees: All Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines Presented By:Marketing Date: December 2002 Attendees: All Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines Presented By:Marketing Date: December 2002 Attendees: All Staff

2 Title Slide Always include a Title Slide, which should include the following information: Title of the presentation Presentation attendees Date of the presentation Presenters name and job title i.e. Ian Rudland, Chief Executive, Vail Williams Julian Walker, Investment Partner, Vail Williams

3 Bullet Slides Use this layout for bullets Slide Title should be 28 pt. Arial. Ensure Slide Title does not overlap the Vail Williams logo. Bullet Font Size should be between 18 - 24 pt. Arial. Font Size should never be less than 18 pt. (This will ensure your audience can read the text on each slide). Text should only be contained within the dark central section of the slide.

4 ImagesImages Add photographs When adding photographs and images be aware of file size and image resolution. (Large image files are unnecessary, significantly increase the overall file size and will result in a slower delivery of your presentation). Avoid clip-art.

5 Saving Presentations Save presentations in the central system, which will allow colleagues to view and use sections for their presentations. PowerPoint Show Be aware of the PowerPoint Show (pps) facility which makes for a convenient way of showing presentations and is a secure, non- editable method of forwarding presentations.

6 AnimationAnimation Use Animation Make use of the animation facilities to add interest to your presentation. Introduce text grouped by level paragraphs.

7 Charts and Graphs Use Charts and Graphs Please use the Chart Wizard to help you produce clean looking bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts. These will add extra visual interest to your presentation.

8 Colour Palette Please use any colours within the standard colour palette when creating graphics. You may wish to use this selection.

9 Colour Palette Add slight gradients for colour depth. For readability, please use black text on lightest colors, white text on darkest colors.

10 Charts and Graphs Use the Colour Palette when creating graphics Font size should always be at least 18 pt Arial Keep slide content to a minimum Keep graphics simple

11 General Comments Handy Hints Always read through and practice the presentation prior to delivering it. Ensure all content, spelling and grammar is correct. Always include a Title and Final slide. Do not include too much text on each slide. Leave a hard copy of the presentation with the recipients, possibly by printing out Handouts or Speaker Notes. Beware of image file sizes.

12 For Further Information For further help and assistance or if you have any questions regarding PowerPoint or these Guidelines please do not hesitate to contact Jill Bezzant, via the IT helpdesk.

13 Thank you For further information on Vail Williams’ commercial property services and available properties please visit: For further information on Vail Williams’ commercial property services and available properties please visit:

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