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 2011 Imprimatur Capital 1 Capital markets for growth AmCham, SSE Riga, 30 June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: " 2011 Imprimatur Capital 1 Capital markets for growth AmCham, SSE Riga, 30 June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1  2011 Imprimatur Capital 1 Capital markets for growth AmCham, SSE Riga, 30 June 2011

2 Private & Confidential  2011 Imprimatur Capital 2 Capital markets  FICIL Capital Markets working group  Role of capital markets  Capital formation  A key element in the financial system  Improve corporate governance  Attract investors  Promote economic growth

3 Private & Confidential  2011 Imprimatur Capital 3 Where is Latvia’s capital market?  EU-27 av GDP per capita in 2010: € 20,600 (=100)  In Estonia: € 13,400 (=65)  In Latvia: € 10,700 (=52)  If Latvian capital market reaches Estonian level  Then: +1.8% GDP growth per annum  And € 120m per annum additional tax revenue  Closing income gap with Estonia by ⅓ in 5 years; SSE Riga

4 Private & Confidential  2011 Imprimatur Capital 4 EE, LT, LV stock exchanges Stock exchange Mkt Cap (€ bn) Nr of Companies Av Mkt Cap (€ m) Tallinn€ 1.6 bn15€ 106 m Vilnius€ 3.9 bn38€ 102 m Riga€ 0.9 bn32€ 30 m

5 Private & Confidential  2011 Imprimatur Capital 5 Why develop LV capital market?  Capital markets raise capital (equity & debt)  Provide investor liquidity  Increase transparency and disclosure  Improve corporate governance  Broaden investor base (local & foreign)  economic growth

6 Private & Confidential  2011 Imprimatur Capital 6 Expanding the market CompanyMkt Cap (€ m) Latvian Shipping Company€ 115 m Ventspils Nafta€ 215 m Latvijas Gāze€ 390 m TEO (LT)€ 520 m Stock exchangeMkt Cap (€ bn) Tallinn€ 1.6 bn Riga€ 0.9 bn

7 Private & Confidential  2011 Imprimatur Capital 7 Capital market candidates  List state-owned enterprises  Telecoms, transport, real estate, forestry, etc  List municipal-owned enterprises  Water, heating, ports, real estate, etc  Cost-efficient issuing for SMEs (equity & debt)  Venture capital  Broaden investor base: local & foreign

8 Private & Confidential  2011 Imprimatur Capital 8 How?  Govt plan for privatising and listing state- owned and municipal-owned enterprises  Political will to demonstrate best practice in corporate governance, transparency & disclosure  Promote venture capital and capital market investments  Improve legal enforcement end

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