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Devolution to English Local authorities A Council’s right to choose? Frances Woodhead, Eversheds LLP 15 th July 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Devolution to English Local authorities A Council’s right to choose? Frances Woodhead, Eversheds LLP 15 th July 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Devolution to English Local authorities A Council’s right to choose? Frances Woodhead, Eversheds LLP 15 th July 2015

2 Recent legislation encouraging devolution Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 Localism Act 2011 Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007

3 Key themes of the Bill Funding – Combined Authority will be a precepting authority, including for mayoral functions. Functions- scope for participating authorities to publish scheme for wider devolved powers. Governance – Corporate entity; Mayors; Scrutiny; Council mergers.

4 Combined Authorities Governance Review 2 or more Authorities Transport, Economic Development and any other functions they agree to share Legislative review to allow parts of Council areas to be included currently before Parliament Proposals to allow/require combined authorities to create directly elected mayors

5 The Common Themes Economic development and job creation. Graduate retention. Transport. Science and technology. Partnerships with Universities. Cultural activities. Scale and commitment matter.

6 Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill – Opportunities Northern Powerhouse – can be more than the sum of its parts. Simplified Structures – council mergers and unitary functions? Economic Growth – Where is it? Role of the LEP – key function for private sector and recognition of the strength of partnerships. Sharing budgets and risks – the big challenge.

7 Reclaiming power from Whitehall Identifying growth and public service reform opportunities. Appetite for Change –6 out of 10 chief Executives in March 2015 believed they would be part of a combined authority How far will the Government go? –Transport –Care –Health Financial Devolution - important

8 Practical issues Unequal deal making Capacity within Central Government to deliver Unclear rules of engagement Devolution impact on existing arrangements –Collaboration Skills needed to maximise opportunities Lack of coterminous boundaries

9 Cornwall – Health and Social Care Governance structures to make sure right balance of accountability between public sector and private sector priorities. Managing risk: financial and statutory duties and clinical risks. Health functions remained part of NHS functions.

10 © EVERSHEDS LLP 2015. Eversheds LLP is a limited liability partnership. LDS_003-#6268218

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