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 Dedicated to certain credos  Life, liberty, and the CONSTANT pursuit of happiness  Democracy  Freedom  Rising to the moment to help those in need.

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Presentation on theme: " Dedicated to certain credos  Life, liberty, and the CONSTANT pursuit of happiness  Democracy  Freedom  Rising to the moment to help those in need."— Presentation transcript:


2  Dedicated to certain credos  Life, liberty, and the CONSTANT pursuit of happiness  Democracy  Freedom  Rising to the moment to help those in need  Through strength if necessary  Through caring ALWAYS

3  Oppression  Stands against freedom and democracy  DICTATORSHIP  Suppression  Rights  Religion  Ideas

4  Propaganda  Expose and at times exaggerate the threat  Involvement  Young Americans ▪ Through education  Young Adults ▪ Through programs  Adults ▪ Through parenting  Old ▪ Remind the young

5  WASP  Service to nation  Boarding school  Prep school  College-Ivy League  Military service ▪ Not a career  Gov’t ▪ State Department ▪ CIA ▪ FBI ▪ Last resort  Politics

6  Not large army involvement  Messy and expensive  Could draw Soviet response  Small-Specialized Forces  Green Berets, Navy SEALs  Mission ▪ Help, train, pacification, involvement

7  Involvement without being “involved”  Foster “Democratic” rebellions  Promote American ideals and interests

8  Mohammed Mosaddegh  Democratically elected  1951: Threatens to nationalize oil fields ▪ Controlled by BP  CIA and MI-5  Help to prop up military gov’t ▪ Take over radio ▪ Pay protestors  Mosaddegh arrested  Shah is placed in charge ▪ Opens oil fields to US and Britain  1979 the Shah is ousted by Ayatollah Khomeini  See movie ARGO

9  Jacoba Arbenz  Democratically elected President  Receives arms from Soviets ▪ Fear of coup  CIA intervenes  Reason given: Fear of communism in Western Hemisphere  Real Reason: Arbenz threatens land reform ▪ To give land to the people ▪ Much of the land is owned by US owned United Fruit Company ▪ Banana Coup  Coup fails, but Arbenz ousted by military

10  Gamal Nasser  Leads Coup against British controlled gov’t  Nationalizes Suez Canal  France, Britain, Israel  Lead attempted overthrow  US and Russia  Work through UN to end Suez Crisis ▪ Soviets threaten intervention ▪ US puts pressure on Britain and France to keep Soviets out  Forces are pulled out, British leave Egypt for good  Nasser moves towards Soviets to help build Aswan Dam

11  Kennedy signs E.O. 10924 Sept. 1961  Young college grads sent to 3 rd world nations ▪ Help with farming, education, etc ▪ Promote Americanism ▪ Seen by many as “imperialistic” ▪ Today the image has change greatly  CIA  Members sent through program

12  The third world and the globe becomes a large chess board  US and it’s allies vs. the Soviet Union  Will forever change history ▪ Leaves many of these nations in economic ruins ▪ Can no longer play US/USSR against each other ▪ When it all ends it leaves power vacuums ▪ Iraq, Iran, etc

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