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Visual Object Undrestanding. Verdical Perception Perception that is consistent with actual state of afairs in the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Object Undrestanding. Verdical Perception Perception that is consistent with actual state of afairs in the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Object Undrestanding

2 Verdical Perception Perception that is consistent with actual state of afairs in the environment

3 What does visual illusions tell us about verdical perception?

4 What does Ambigious figures tell us about verdical perception?


6 Inverse problem Each point in the image coul map into infinite number of points in environment.

7 Likelihood principle Herman von Helmholts Most likely environment situation



10 Structuralism Spatial and temporal continuity glues the atoms of perception. Wilhelm Wundt

11 Gestaltism Configurations have emergent properties that are not shared by any of their local parts. Max Wetheimer


13 Ecological Optics Whole pattern of proximal stimulation provide much more information about distal stimulus. James J. Gibson


15 Constructivism Unconscious Inference Likelihood Principle Heuristic Intterprtation Herman von Helmholts

16 New findings oncomputer vision and informational processing Alan Turing machine Birth of Computer visoin Birth of parallel distributed processing Birth of artificial neural networks … David Marr’s levels of processing

17 Biological processing

18 Functional Decomposition

19 Is visual system functionally decomposeable?

20 Four stages of visual processing Image-base Surface-base Object-base Category-base

21 Image-base representation

22 Surface-base representation

23 Object-base representation


25 Category base representation




29 Perceptual organization

30 Early or late?

31 Parsing Vs Grouping

32 Figure ground segregation Surroundness Size Orientation Contrast Symethry convexity

33 Concave discontinuities

34 Palmer and Rock’s perceptual organization

35 Representing the shape

36 Theories of shape representation

37 Templates

38 Replication and normalization of templates

39 Transformational alignment and point anchors

40 Strong Vs weak intrinsic properties

41 Context problem

42 Hierarchical templates

43 Fourier Spectra


45 Features and dimentions

46 Multifeatural representation


48 Structural Description


50 Shape primitives


52 Recognition by Component (RBC)

53 2-D shape primitive



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