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Hey there! Please go get your interactive notebook! Please read the board!

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Presentation on theme: "Hey there! Please go get your interactive notebook! Please read the board!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hey there! Please go get your interactive notebook! Please read the board!

2 Monoculture

3 Polyculture


5 What are the tradeoffs of monoculture?  Benefits:  Easy to manage  Provides uniformity  Can be grown by few people as long as they have large machines  Lack of diversity = potential loss of crop to disease/pest  Need for pesticides  Need for inorganic fertilizer because crop takes particular nutrient from soil  Loss of biodiversity from field edges/cover crops

6 Monocultures are a banquet for pests!

7 What are the tradeoffs of monoculture?  Benefits:  Easy to manage  Provides uniformity  Can be grown by few people as long as they have large machines  Lack of diversity = potential loss of crop to disease/pest  Need for pesticides  Need for inorganic fertilizer because crop takes particular nutrient from soil  Loss of biodiversity from field edges/cover crops

8 Fertilizers Nov 14

9 Each crop needs some of the same nutrients...  Nitrogen  Phosphorus  Potassium  Trace elements  But each crop takes the same nutrients out of the soil each time it’s grown.  Example: corn uses a LOT of nitrogen

10 So why do monocultures require lots of fertilizer?

11 Make a double bubble to compare: Synthetic fertilizer  Made from natural gas  Help plants grow  Examples:  Miracle Gro  Ammonium nitrate  Scott’s turf builder Organic fertilizer  Created from an ecological process or organism  Help plants grow  Examples:  Fish emulsion  Blood meal  Bone meal  compost

12 Fertilizer nutrients – what do those numbers mean?  Nitrogen  Phosphorus  Potassium

13 Houston, we have a problem (and it’s linked to fertilizers!)

14 Next notebook page: Eutrophication Nov 14

15 Eutrophication p 137  Each pair/tri needs a white board, 2 markers, and an eraser – send a runner now!  Re-read the paragraph on artificial eutrophication.  List the steps of eutrophication in your notebook.  Compare your list with your neighbor  Use your notes to draw a cartoon of the process on the white boards.

16 Plant nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) cause eutrophication

17 Other sources of plant nutrients  Untreated sewage  Manure from livestock  Pet wastes




21 Hypoxic zones “Dead zones” – form in the summer Gulf of Mexico


23 So what can YOU do?

24 Eutrophication  Which pollutants are involved?  What are the sources of these pollutants?  How are monocultures involved in eutrophication?  What are the effects of eutrophication?  Why does the dead zone form in the Gulf near New Orleans?  Why should we be worried about the dead zone?

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